Chapter 10 Initial Emergence of Cloud Power (Part 2)_1

This is the fifth chapter out for today, five chapters done. Little Three needs to rest, so tired! Everyone, please motivate Little Three with your votes and favorites. Little Three will do his best to return the favor with high-quality, speedy work.


Qi Yue's eating habits were always unattractive. A large pot of meat porridge was completely gone within a short time. He didn't understand why, but he felt he urgently needed food, as if this meal, which could feed two or three people, was still not enough to satisfy him.

"Qi Yue, I'll continue calling you by that name," said Uncle Zhou as he put the pot and bowl aside.

Qi Yue nodded, saying, "Of course, you are my elder, it's appropriate for you to call me by my name."

Uncle Zhou said, "The young lady wants you to return to the Training Room in three days, and she wants to extend the session by ten minutes. Can you withstand it?"

Qi Yue nonchalantly replied, "There's no question of whether I can or can't. I won't submit to her. If she doesn't kill me, then bring it on. Lacking the ability to fight back, all I can do is endure. You don't need to talk me out of it. No matter how I change my attitude towards her, she probably won't let me off. I understand why she's doing this now."

Uncle Zhou, sounding surprised, replied, "You understand?"

Qi Yue sneered, "Of course, I understand. This morning when you brought me home, my body was numb, but my mind was clear. I knew then. I'm just a punk who happened to be lucky and acquire a special status. However, in the end, I'm still just a punk. She scoffs at my lack of strength, afraid that I'll burden them in the future. That's why she's trying to stimulate my body's potential by beating me. In this way, my already superior ability to heal will become stronger, and I'll be less of a problem for them in the future."

Uncle Zhou nodded, "You're a smart kid. Since you understand all of this, you should also understand why the young lady looks down on you. You lack strength she would respect. As a man, rather than explaining or masking your shortcomings, what you need is action. You need to prove your strength through your actions. As long as you keep pushing, there will come a day when no one in this world will look down on you. The young lady may be a bit extreme, but she is deliberately trying to provoke you. I believe you're a man of spirit."

Qi Yue responded gratefully, "Thank you, Uncle Zhou, I know you don't look down on me. Don't worry, although I, Qi Yue, am a punk, I am also a real man."

Uncle Zhou, satisfied, nodded and smiled, "Have you thought about how to deal with the young lady adding ten minutes of beating? Knowing her as I do, once she has spoken, she won't hold back."

A bit at a loss, Qi Yue shook his head, "I don't know. Maybe my healing powers can help me withstand it. One thing is certain, she won't cause me any real harm."

Uncle Zhou added, "You're too passive. Even taking a beating has its methods. Like you said, she won't cause you real harm. If you can find a better way to withstand the beating, the damage you take will be greatly reduced."

Qi Yue's eyes lit up, and he said, "Uncle Zhou, are you willing to teach me?"

Uncle Zhou didn't directly answer his question, "Being hit can yield different results. I don't know what the qi flow emanating from your body means, but I can feel that it's the source of your miraculous self-healing ability. Your physical condition is acceptable. I have looked into it and found that your skeletal structure is exceptional. It could be said that you are a once-in-a-century prodigy. We only have three days, I can't teach you anything profound. Let me teach you how to take a hit. Being hit, too, is a form of art, it's about utilizing your body and harnessing your innate strength. At this point, you are a blank canvas. As long as you grasp the concept, surviving an extra ten minutes under the lady's hand shouldn't be too difficult. After all, she is only throwing you around."

Qi Yue respectfully said, "Then please teach me, from now on, I will call you Teacher Zhou."

"No need, just call me Uncle Zhou. Actually, some techniques are very simple and anyone can easily achieve them. It's like being separated from two completely opposite worlds by a single layer of paper. Once you pierce through the paper, you will understand easily. For example, when you're blown onto a wall with your back facing it, it would certainly cause vibrations and discomfort throughout your body. But if you raise your arms over your shoulders just before hitting the wall, the muscles on your back would automatically tense up and hence, the vibrations from the impact would be greatly reduced. If an enemy punches you and you want to block his fist, taking the punch head-on means you'll have to bear the impact. But if you sidestep and place your palm on his wrist joint, you could easily deflect his punch. The human arm is like a snake. Although it can't flex as freely as a snake, it does have a few joints. Hitting these joints is like hitting a snake in its vital point. These techniques are simple. With some practice, you can do it."

Qi Yue nodded thoughtfully. Uncle Zhou had opened a special door for him.

Uncle Zhou took out a book from his pocket and handed it to Qi Yue. "This is a simple method of cultivation, which can also be referred to as foundation building. As long as you persist in cultivating, it can strengthen your body. I have made detailed notes on the mantras within it. Considering how much the lady values you, I won't officially be your master, but I'm old and I don't wish for my skills to be buried with me so I'll pass them on to you. I hope they can be of help to you. The most beneficial aspect of these techniques is that you can practice them while sitting, lying, walking or sleeping, and even while upside down. Your skeleton is peculiar. Although you're a bit old, as long as you strive, there will always be results. Get familiar with it today; once you've recovered, I'll teach you more."

Qi Yue looked down at the book in his hand. It wasn't thick and appeared to only have a few pages. On the cover it read - Mystical Sky Record.

Qi Yue struggled to get out of bed. Although it was painful, he managed to kneel down and said, 'Master. No matter what Hai Ruyue thinks, I insist that you are my master." Despite having only met Uncle Zhou today, the familiarity and care Uncle Zhou showed him, along with his unselfish teachings, touched him deeply.

Uncle Zhou grabbed Qi Yue's arms and gently lifted him up. He smiled and said, "I guess we're destined to be with each other. I am already seventy years old this year. Actually, your personality isn't what I prefer, but I don't want my unique skills to be lost. Besides, you have such a good skeleton. Given that you're willing, I accept the word 'master' from you. I just hope that you can carry on my skills. I started practicing martial arts when I was eight. It has been sixty-two years now. In that cycle of time, I've understood a lot. Yan Huang works in profound ways. You have a wild spirit, so I won't restrict you much, I just hope that no matter what you do, it should be true to your heart. Rest for now, I'll come over tomorrow morning to teach you some martial arts."

Uncle Zhou left with the tray and Qi Yue eagerly opened the thin book in his hand. He was pleasantly surprised to find that the first two pages explained the Eight Extraordinary Meridians. He had memorised one of them yesterday, and his mentality had totally changed from last night. His longing for strength made him diligent. He immediately picked up the book and began to memorise. He knew that whether he was going to practice what Uncle Zhou taught or Shenlin Jue, the Eight Extraordinary Meridians would be of great significance.

Qi Yue is not stupid. In fact, he's quite smart, but his background and surrounding environment have not allowed him to focus this intelligence on learning. He was lazy, but once he decided to do something, he would try his best. With his continuous effort, in three hours, not only had he memorized all of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, but he also found their general location on his body based on the meridian diagram in the Mystical Sky Record. He hadn't slept at all that day, so he wasn't sleepy. After memorising the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, he couldn't wait to turn to the third page of the Mystical Sky Record.

The third page also featured a figure. The individual in the figure sat with a red arrow drawn repeatedly along its body. The arrow originated from and concluded at the Dantian acupoint in the lower abdomen, forming a complete circuit along the Eight Extraordinary Meridians. Next to the figure, detailed annotations explained: direct the qi with the mind, let the heart follow the mind, raise the Dantian, go through...

As he looked at the book, Qi Yue subconsciously started to imitate. With the memory of the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, he quickly remembered the route of the red arrow. For the first time in his life, he began to formally cultivate. His mind moved in sync with the special reverse breathing method mentioned in the Mystical Sky Record. At first, with just his mind moving, he didn't feel anything special. But after the qi arose from the Dantian and circulated back to the Dantian, completing a full cycle, his perception changed. It seemed like something new was present in his Dantian. Upon closer inspection, it felt like a small vortex of qi, which was very weak and subtly came in fours. Qi Yue realised that these four qi flows seemed to be in purple, green, blue, and red hues, and they lightly flowed in his Dantian.