Chapter 14 Super (Medium) _1

This is the third chapter for today. I managed to mess up the updates with my girlfriend earlier, thus, this is now the third update for today.

Fieldmouse, at the moment, doesn't look anything like the delinquent he was when he hung out with Qi Yue. Instead, he appears like a well-behaved student, silent with his head down.

Qi Yue curled his lips, saying, "This isn't school, stop acting like a teacher." No sooner had he said this, than Fieldmouse whispered to him, "Boss, Teacher Mo Di teaches us physical education. I heard she's a national taekwondo champion."

Qi Yue was shocked, "No way. Why are all the women I encounter so formidable? So you mean teacher Mo Di wants to avenge your brother?" As he spoke, his gaze unconsciously fell on Mo Di's long legs.

Mo Di ignored Qi Yue, continuing to speak to Fieldmouse: "Tian Boguang, please return to school immediately. Otherwise, I will have to take you to the administration office."

Fieldmouse looked up at Mo Di with a somewhat vacant look in his eyes, but then he shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, teacher Mo Di, but I can't go back now. Qi Yue is my big brother. I also participated in the bullying of Yan Xiaoyi, so if you want revenge, you can count me in." Even though he was only sixteen, Fieldmouse obviously cared more about his brotherly love than his long-time crush.

Mor Di's eyes flashed coldly. Turning to Qi Yue, she said, "At first, I didn't intend to get involved in your affairs with Yan Xiaoyi. However, do you realize how much harm your fight has caused him? Today, I must stand up for Yan Xiaoyi. Tian Boguang, if you refuse to leave, you'll be involved too." Saying this, she turned around with Yan Xiaoyi and headed outside.

Qi Yue snorted coldly, immediately getting up and grabbing a bottle of liquor as he followed her out. He never knew fear. He hadn't backed down even when facing Hai Ruyue's relentless attacks, let alone facing Yan Xiaoyi and his sister now.

Ming Ming followed Qi Yue and Fieldmouse with a touch of helplessness. She didn't care about these things, protecting Qi Yue was her responsibility. Moreover, Qi Yue was now her friend.

On both sides of the wide path stood tall trees, their leaves thick and lush. Bathed in the sun, they cast patchy shadows on the ground. To the left of the path was Fieldmouse's school - tall walls blocking any view of the inside. To the right was a slope, extending more than three meters downward into a sparse woodland.

Mo Di and Yan Xiaoyi stopped on the right side of the road. Once Qi Yue and his gang had caught up, they headed down the slope. Yan Xiaoyi glared at Qi Yue with resentment, whispering something to Mo Di. However, she made no response, as though she hadn't heard him.

Arriving at the foot of the slope, Qi Yue, Fieldmouse, and Ming Ming stopped five meters away from Mo Di and her brother. Qi Yue drummed the beer bottle in his right hand against his left palm, "Tell me, Teacher Mo Di, how do you intend to handle this? I, Qi Yue, will be here to accompany you till the end."

An intimidating aura suddenly radiated from Mo Di. Surprised, Ming Ming stepped forward and inserted herself between Qi Yue and Mo Di.

"Qi Yue, you and Tian Boguang here have bullied Yan Xiaoyi over personal issues. Normally, I wouldn't get involved in this matter, but today, I intend to stand up for Yan Xiaoyi. It seems this young lady is the one Yan Xiaoyi spoke of, the one who knocked down more than twenty people last time. Based on Yan Xiaoyi's assessment of you, I can tell that you're strong. Well then, let's settle this with a fight. If you win, we'll let bygones be bygones. If I win, Qi Yue, you'll come with me and let me handle this."

Ming Ming gave a faint smile, saying: "Sister, there's something I want to clarify in advance. I don't mind getting physical, but I can only speak for myself, not for him. Qi Yue and I are friends, I can't make decisions for him. Please, go ahead." Even though Qi Yue was a rogue, he was also the leader of the Kylin gang. Even Hai Ruyue wouldn't possibly ignore Qi Yue's safety.

Mo Di said indifferently, "Then please proceed. I think, after defeating you, no one can stop me from leaving with him."

The two beauties with distinct styles stared at each other. Qi Yue, the field rat, and Yan Xiaoyi each retreated in different directions. Ming Ming slowly extended her arms on both sides of her body, while Mo Di made a weird gesture, raising her palms in front of her, palms outward, making a pushing motion. The two women's gaze met without yielding, Ming Ming made the first move.

Ming Ming body swayed, instantly closing in on Mo Di, her left hand on her chest, her right hand sweeping towards Mo Di's shoulder. Mo Di backed away instead of advancing, her retreating speed was surprisingly not slower than Ming Ming's charge. Her legs launched a sudden attack, her right leg whipped upwards like a long lash, her shoes pointed directly at Ming Ming's right wrist, the timing was absolutely spot on. It was as if Ming Ming's hand was there just for her to kick.

Ji Mingming clearly wasn't that easy to deal with either. Her swinging right arm momentarily paused. She retracted her right shoulder, raising her hand, and collided hard with Mo Di's incoming shoe tip.

With a dull thump, Ming Ming and Mo Di's bodies shook simultaneously. Surprised glances flickered in the eyes of both women. In the next moment, Mo Di was aloft, her legs, almost phantom-like, launched a rain of kicks at Ming Ming, the movements so swift that Qi Yue couldn't even discern how many strikes were landed.

Ming Ming's hand movements were no slower than Mo Di's. She stood her ground without retreating an inch, her hands rapidly returning to block Mo Di's attack. The low thuds of impact rang continuously. Qi Yue was able to clearly feel the gusts of wind that blew against his face, making him secretly gasp in astonishment. The blows exchanged between the two had clearly transcended ordinary physical skills. He hadn't expected Yan Xiaoyi to have such a formidable cousin, truly worthy of being the national taekwondo champion.

The movements of the two women became faster and faster until they were just two blurs in combat. Suddenly, Mo Di kicked at thin air, striking a tree beside her that was thick as a bowl. To Qi Yue and the field rat's utter disbelief, the upper half of the tree flew off, with the break cleanly severed, as if sliced through by a knife. My God! What would happen if such a kick hit a person? Fear struck Qi Yue's heart. So martial arts could really be trained to such a level. Ming Ming was able to block such an attack with just her arms; could her arms be made of iron?

Under the dull thump, the lightning-fast figures of the two women quickly dispersed. There was a flush on Ming Ming's face, her arms still extended on either side, her eyes shot a spark of admiration at Mo Di's leg. Mo Di similarly looked at Ming Ming in shock. At first, her attack was merely exploratory, employing only thirty percent of her strength. However, as their fight grew fiercer, she began utilizing almost her full power, but her swift kicks still couldn't breach Ming Ming's stable defense. This was the first time Mo Di had encountered such a situation. As the old saying goes, thick arms can't twist a sturdy leg, but now, it was clear that Ming Ming's arms were able to withstand her superb kicking technique.

"You're powerful. But be careful from here on out." Mo Di calmly spoke, her right leg lifted, her knee bent, and her toes no longer stretched tight as before. Instead, her shoe was pointed outward, creating a virtual kicking movement. Her eyes lit up; those long legs were her sharpest weapon.

Ming Ming suddenly froze, a strange light flickered in her eyes as she watched Mo Di, "This is the Big Dipper Kick, commonly known as the Rabbit Kicks the Eagle. Compared to your previous Razor Kick, this should be weaker."

Mo Di smiled faintly and said, "A hare can still fight with an eagle. The habitually weak can beat the strong. This kick is different from the last one. Be careful, Miss." A faint current of air started to swirl around Mo Di's body, the mud on the ground started to roll with it, and an aura of imminent battle spread invisibly. Mo Di was like a long sword drawn from its sheath, searching for weaknesses in Ming Ming's defenses.

Ming Ming had a solemn expression on her face, her arms traced an arc in front of her, her eyes sharp, her body leaning forward slightly. Her arms softly vibrated and then they stretched out instantaneously. "You must be careful as well. This is the Iron Winged Blade Feather Technique. With wings as sharp as blades, it specializes in breaking defenses."

Watching the two women prepare for a full-out attack, Qi Yue's heart felt an unprecedented thrill, staring hard at Yan Xiaoyi, who was not too far away, "Fight fire with fire, soldier against soldier. You've always wanted to get back at me right? Come at me then. Today I don't have a brick, but I'll show you what I've got with this beer bottle." As he spoke, Qi Yue smashed the beer bottle he was holding against a nearby tree. With a crisp sound, the bottom of the bottle shattered, revealing sharp edges. In a common brawl, a beer bottle is one of the deadliest weapons.

Yan Xiaoyi showed no fear, stepping forward aggressively towards Qi Yue. The field rat tried to join in, but was stopped by Qi Yue's intense glare. "This is between him and me."