Chapter 14: Super (Part 1)_1

Chapter 2 is here, friends, please vote and collect more, thank you.

As the two of them chatted while walking, the twenty-minute walk passed quickly. From a distance, Qi Yue could already see the four golden characters of Bright Middle School. Although Bright Middle School doesn't compare to Qingbei based on its external view as an elite school, it possessed a sense of luxury.

"Boss." The voice of a mouse sounded from the street side. Qi Yue looked towards the sound and saw the mouse sitting at a roadside street food stall, feasting away. The aroma of the roasted lamb skewers tantalized Qi Yue's taste buds. He used to love eating the lamb skewers on the roadside, drinking chilled beer, and smoking a few cigarettes. Those were, indeed, the days of an immortal.

The mouse wiped the greasy hands and his eyes were full of excitement. Qi Yue walked a few steps towards the mouse, patted him with force on his broad shoulder, and said, "Good buddy."

There was no need for gratitude among brothers; a simple exchange of glances was enough. Qi Yue sat next to the mouse, took his beer, and gulped down half the bottle at once.

"Refreshing, so refreshing!" Qi Yue put down the bottle. He hadn't felt so refreshed in a long time. When he looked at the mouse again, he found the mouse staring blankly while Ji Mingming was sitting across him.

Qi Yue couldn't help but feel a little proud. After all, the beauty had come with him. "Bro, let me introduce you. This is the relative I told you about, my cousin Mingming. You can call her Sister Mingming in future."

The mouse swallowed his saliva and said reluctantly, "Boss, are you sure she is your cousin? You two don't look alike at all."

Upon hearing the mouse's comment, Mingming couldn't help but laugh, "Yeah! of course, we don't look alike. If I looked like him, I wouldn't be able to get married. Hello, mouse, Qi Yue has mentioned you several times."

The mouse quickly responded, "Hello, Sister Mingming. It's my first time seeing such a beautiful sister as you."

Ji Mingming smiled, "Mouse, you are really good with words. By the way, this certainly isn't your real name, is it?"

The mouse was a bit embarrassed, "Well…, you can just call me mouse, my real name doesn't sound good."

Qi Yue, who was sitting beside him, suddenly burst into laughter, Mingming was surprised, "What are you laughing about? What is the mouse's real name?"

Qi Yue chuckled, "You can bribe me and I will tell you."

"Whatever, I don't care." Though she was curious, she didn't ask as seeing Qi Yue's smug face made her angry and she pouted indignantly.

The mouse grinned reluctantly, "Don't be mad, Sister Mingming. I, I'll confess. My surname is Tian and my name is Boguang."

Ji Mingming opened her mouth wide and then used her hand to cover her mouth to suppress her laughter.

The mouse sighed, "You now know why I don't use my real name. I don't like going to schools, and this name is a big reason. It was fine in elementary school, but by middle school, who hasn't read about Master Kim's books? I'm depressed!"

Qi Yue pulled out a stack of money from his pocket and handed it to the mouse, "This is 15,000. I spent some of the money you gave me last time, and saved some. Take this for now, and I will return double when I earn more. Oh, by the way, here's a mobile phone too."

Tian Mouse said indignantly, "Boss, what are you doing? He's your own brother, this isn't fair."

Qi Yue replied, "Alright, now that I'm back, I don't need to worry about money. Didn't you notice that I found a rich relative?"

Tian Mouse refused to take the money no matter what Qi Yue said. After multiple prompts and Qi Yue's insistence, he reluctantly accepted the money but left the phone for Qi Yue to use. Qi Yue had planned to eat somewhere else, but Ming Ming said it was unnecessary. She also wanted to try the street food, so the three of them ordered a pile of kebabs. Qi Yue bought several bottles of beer without reserve. He always had a fondness for alcohol, perhaps it was due to the words of the smoking man he revered who once said if you don't smoke or drink, you might as well be a dog.

"Oh, what a coincidence, I've run into that guy again, it's like seeing a ghost," said Qi Yue, who had just eaten a few mutton skewers, looking across the street with annoyance.

Across the street, a man and a woman were walking towards them. The man was YanXiaoyi who Qi Yue had seen at the school gates. The woman was a beauty that Qi Yue had never seen before. However, he noticed something strange: when Tian Mouse saw the woman, he was transfixed. It wasn't a lustful gaze, but one of deep affection. He completely forgot about the beer he was pouring, spilling much of it without realizing. This was the first time Qi Yue had seen Tian Mouse with such an expression.

"Tian Mouse, don't tell me you have feelings for the woman with YanXiaoyi," Qi Yue said as he slapped his good brother to snap him out of his trance.

"Boss, she's not YanXiaoyi's woman, she's our school teacher. Her name is Mo Di, she is YanXiaoyi's cousin. She's twenty-four and commonly agreed to be the most beautiful woman in our school. I think... I think I have fallen in love with her," Tian Mouse spoke with bright eyes, completely enamoured.

Qi Yue couldn't help but laugh, "Mouse, how old are you this year? You're sixteen, or fifteen, right? She is eight or nine years older than you, do you think that's realistic?"

Tian Mouse countered, "Age isn't a barrier. The moment I saw her, I was captivated by her aura. I don't even know why, but every move she makes draws me in. Boss, you have to help me! It's the first time I've had a crush on someone. Teacher Mo Di likes to come here for the grilled chicken wings, that's why I eat here every day, hoping to catch a glimpse of her."

Qi Yue had a stunned look on his face, Tian Mouse was clearly deeply smitten. Even though Qi Yue loved beautiful women, he never experienced true love. Seeing his best friend so besotted, he couldn't help but wryly smile, "How am I supposed to help you with this? Should we get some drugs and assault her?"

"Qi Yue, be careful what you say; they're coming over now," Ming Ming said somewhat discontentedly.

Sure enough, YanXiaoyi and Mo Di had arrived at the food stand. Having noticed Qi Yue and the others, YanXiaoyi, with his ski hat on his head, changed colour immediately, "So you're here!" He was speaking to Qi Yue, but his gaze waverishly drifted towards Ming Ming, who had left a deep impression on him during their last encounter.

Qi Yue snorted, "Did you think you owned this place? Why can't I be here? YanXiaoyi, don't tell me you want to know why the flowers are so red again – I can fulfil that little wish of yours." As he spoke, he flexed his hand, creating a series of crackling noises.

Getting a closer look, Qi Yue could not help but gaze at his good brother's crush. This woman named Mo Di looked around the same age as Hai Ruyue, the tyrannical dragon. Like Ming Ming, she also had refreshingly short hair. Comparing appearances, she was not as pretty as Ming Ming and no better than the two other girls sharing his dormitory, but she had an odd charm of her own: her legs.

Qi Yue was the type to look at women from the bottom up, and when he saw Mo Di's legs, he was slightly stunned. Generally, the most aesthetically pleasing ratio of leg length to height is 0.618. However, from the looks of it, Mo Di's ratio was definitely above 0.7. Her strikingly long and beautiful legs, even in ordinary trousers, were stunning. What surprised Qi Yue the most was that her leg length did not seem at all disproportionate. Her height was similar to Ming Ming's, but her lithe figure was even more pronounced. It seemed that she was a peculiarly attractive woman, no wonder Tian Mouse was attracted to her.

"Was it you who injured my brother?" Mo Di's gentle eyes turned icy when they landed on Qi Yue.

Qi Yue held his head high, "Yes, it was me."

Mo Di ignored Qi Yue, turning her attention to Tian Mouse, "Tian Boguang, why are you here again? The school has rules that students are not to leave at noon, don't you know that? Return to school immediately."