Chapter 13 Female Dormitory (Part 2)_1

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Xu Qing looked at Qi Yue with some confusion, because she was very aware of the influence Ji MIngming's family carried. Since they had accepted that Qi Yue moved in, they should surely exploit him a bit. Otherwise, wouldn't they, as a group of beauties, be at a loss? Although the covenant she wrote was mostly compulsory provisions, there was also an element of joking with Qi Yue. Due to the previous awkwardness with this new roommate, Xu Qing had thus wanted to show him some tough love, but she didn't expect Qi Yue to refuse so decisively, even citing a dislike for doing dishes as a reason. At this moment, she saw a touch of helplessness in Qi Yue's eyes, perhaps it's because Ji Mingming just mentioned her cousin's congenital heart disease. She figured it was better not to continue playing around.

"Alright, have it your way. The rent will be split amongst the four of us, each person will pay four hundred a month. You can give it to Sister Yun when the time comes."

Xu Qing left, and Qi Yue slouched onto his bed. He slammed his fist onto his bed and thought to himself, what a tough hurdle money creates! It looks like he might have to find a way to make some money. Thinking of money, Qi Yue suddenly had an idea, "That's right, I made plans to meet up with Field Mouse this afternoon. How could I forget about this? I need to get going quickly." The moment Qi Yue woke up from his deep sleep, he contacted Field Mouse immediately. Of course, he couldn't tell Field Mouse the truth; he only told him that he had met a relative who planned to sponsor his university education. Field Mouse was currently attending classes in a private school. Coincidentally, his school was only a twenty minute walk away from Qingbei University. Qi Yue scheduled to meet up with Field Mouse on his first day of reporting to the university, knowing that classes wouldn't start immediately. It has been a few months since the two brothers last met, and without Field Mouse's help, so many things wouldn't have been possible. Qi Yue has always been grateful towards this good brother of his.

"Ming Ming, I need to head out for a bit." After Qi Yue got his luggage settled, he felt an overwhelming sense of relief and headed out of his room and gave a heads-up to Ji Mingming in her room.

The door opened, and Ji Mingming poked her head out, asking, "What are you planning to do? Familiarize yourself with the campus environment? I can show you around."

Qi Yue shook his head, saying, "No, I am heading out to meet a friend, are you still coming along?"

Ji Mingming asked, "Can I not? In case you fall ill on the road, there should be someone around to send you to the hospital."

Qi Yue rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever you prefer. Anyway, it's not a bad thing to have a beautiful woman accompany me. We have to go now, it's already noon. I'll treat you to lunch. Thanks for the bedding." He wasn't the generous type, but he knew the importance of repaying a favor. Ever since Ji Mingming stepped in to fight YanXiaoyi for him, Qi Yue has been seeking an opportunity to repay her.

Ji Mingming chuckled and said, "Alright then! Let's go." Finishing her sentence, she headed out of her room, still in her casual clothes.

Xu Qing and Shen Yun were watching TV in the living room. Seeing both of them leaving, Shen Yun smiled and said, "Ming Ming, come back early. We have a new member joining us today, I'll prepare something delicious for dinner."

Ming Ming replied with a laugh, "That would be great! I love the food that Sister Yun makes. We've only lived together for a month, but I feel like I've gained some weight."

Xu Qing looked at Ming Ming with a hint of jealousy and said, "Be careful, I might tickle you! Are you trying to provoke me on purpose? Look at your slender waist, and here you are, saying you've gained weight. Please leave, we don't wish to play the third wheel."

Qi Yue thought to himself, aren't you the ones who don't want us to be third wheels? Although he was a little bit naughty, he wasn't low-life. He saw what he saw, but he wouldn't gossip about women behind their backs.

They left the dormitory and followed the tree-lined avenue towards the campus exit. Ji Mingming was like a shining star in the campus and was often the focus of attention of many male students, despite her simple attire. Her naturally beautiful look was irresistible. Of course, their fascinated stares turned into jealousy and anger when they landed on Qi Yue. As one of the top beauties of the school, this was the first time Ji Mingming was seen publicly walking with a male student.

"Ming Ming, see, there are not only me but many 'wolves' in our Yan Huang Republic. Look how many people are ogling you." As they walked, Qi Yue couldn't help but tease her.

Ji Mingming scoffed dismissively, "Enough, the others are merely admiring. But you? Yours is completely blatant. Thankfully your stares can't strip people, otherwise, I really wouldn't be sure if you could undress people with just your gaze."

Qi Yue sighed and said, "That would be a wonderful ability to have!"

Ji Mingming said impatiently, "Alright, let's go. You said the agreed time was almost here. I want to see what your good brother looks like."

Just then, Qi Yue suddenly felt a tremor in his heart and his gaze froze on the figure ahead, "What is he doing here?"

Ji Mingming followed his gaze and saw a young man emerge from a side road onto the main street. He was accompanied by several beautiful female students, all chatting and laughing. This handsome youth wasn't anyone else but YanXiaoyi, Qi Yue's sworn enemy.

Ji Mingming said in a low voice, "I had noticed him at Qingbei long ago. This guy is in the computer science department. Why did you offend such a person? His father has considerable power and influence in the Capital City. Plus, he himself has martial arts training. According to my classmates, he's also a computer genius. Many female classmates now see him as a prince on a white horse. Yet, it's heard that he seems to have submitted a transfer application."

Qi Yue sneered, "Isn't this guy just a bit more handsome? Haven't you heard about pretty boys being unkind?"

Ji Mingming chuckled, "Someone seems to be jealous. Oh, look, he's wearing a hat again. Since the first time I saw him at Qingbei, he seemed to be always like this. Did he always wear a hat before? Moreover, this one is a ski hat. I bet he's not afraid of getting hot."

Qi Yue looked puzzled, "When I saw that guy before, he wasn't wearing a hat! Could it be because last time I broke his face with a brick? It can't be, it wasn't that severe."

Ji Mingming said, "Enough, better not to stir up trouble. Unless he provokes you, stay away from him. Your task right now is to study hard and diligently cultivate."

Qi Yue shrugged and jovially said, "I'm not afraid. I have you, a super bodyguard by my side. Why be afraid? Moreover, if it's only him, he may not even be able to beat me. Ever heard of Brick Breaks Martial Art?"

Ji Mingming covered her mouth and chuckled softly, "We should try that one day. I'm curious about your mysterious skills."

"Uh…forget about it, I'm not into self-abusing." Qi Yue had experienced Ji Mingming's strength first hand. Although she wasn't as domineering as Hai Ruyue, the way she easily knocked down more than twenty young men showed that her strength was far beyond his reach. On top of that, Hai Ruyue had revealed that Mingming was already in The Third Cloud Realm. If she used Attribute Metamorphosis, he couldn't possibly compare.

The two practically left the school with YanXiaoyi, one following the other. YanXiaoyi hailed a taxi and left. Mingming also wanted to take a taxi, but Qi Yue insisted on walking to get some exercise. As a result, the two had to rely on their two legs to get to the school.

"Qi Yue, I heard from Sister Ru Yue that you encountered Xie zhi and that Xie Zhi even ran into your body. Are you feeling anything special?" Ji Mingming asked curiously.

Qi Yue answered helplessly, "I don't feel anything. At the time, when I attacked the Xie zhi, I suddenly felt warm all over my body then lost consciousness. By the time I woke up, the Dragon King told me that a hundred days had passed. I seem to sleep more and more. Does Kylin sleep this much? It was more than thirty hours on the train, more than thirty days at Zagru's place, and back here I slept for a hundred days."

Mingming seemed thoughtful, "This should be the physical changes after awakening. Our Zodiac Guardians also need to sleep for forty-nine days after awakening, but it's not as strange as yours."

Qi Yue asked, "How long does it take to cultivate to the First Cloud Realm after the Zodiac Guardians awaken?"

Mingming replied, "We reach the First Cloud quite quickly. After all, the Zodiac Guardians need to get involved in our duties as soon as possible. In about three months, we can reach the First Cloud. By that time, our combat power can't be compared to an ordinary person. It's been three years since I first awakened, I'm precisely at the Third Cloud, I suppose, it's quite fast. However, Sister Ru Yue is even more impressive. In just six short years, she's already at the Fifth Cloud Realm. You have to understand, for each Realm ascended, the difficulty of cultivation increases exponentially."

Qi Yue enviously said, "I wish I could also reach the Third Cloud Realm, then I wouldn't slow you down."

Mingming smiled faintly, "What are you talking about slowing me down? You'll be a great help to us. Don't be in a hurry, take it slow." Walking with Qi Yue, although they didn't touch, helped her feel that mysterious energy stimulating her growth in Cloud power. It was an incredibly pleasant sensation. Mingming knew if she could walk with Qi Yue every hour and every day, her cultivation speed could almost double. However, she is a girl after all, and that's impossible.