Chapter 13 Girls' Dormitory (Middle)_1

Chapter three is here today, do vote and favorite it, thank you.


"Ming Ming, what did you tell them just now? Do I really have to live here?" Qi Yue was curious, but couldn't help but feel excited. After all, living with three beauties was quite exciting even though they all had their own rooms. It'd be easy to run into them frequently and if anything happened, it'd only be natural. Especially as those two other beauties seemed quite open...

Ji Mingming whispered, "Keep your voice down, don't let them hear you. Do you know how hard it was for me to convince them? Also, you need to cooperate a bit. I told them you're unwell, that you have a physical defect that requires personal care. As your cousin, it's only natural for me to let you live with me to make it easier to take care of you."

Qi Yue smirked, "No problem, you can say whatever defect. If it'll let me live with you, this bed seems a bit small."

Ji Mingming knocked his head forcefully, scolding, "What're you thinking? You're such a pervert, I warn you, you better watch yourself. Having you live here is because you're Kylin and currently, only I can naturally protect you. It's my duty as a Zodiac Guardian, don't get any weird ideas."

Qi Yue winced, "Got it, got it, don't worry. Like I said, you're my good brother. How could I have any wrong thoughts? But about your two good friends, it's okay to have tiny naughty thoughts, right? Oh, what physical defect did you say I have?"

Ji Mingming chuckled, "I told them you have a congenital heart disease, and additionally, you're gay. To ensure you look after your health and avoid any contact with men outside, we brought you here to soak in an atmosphere of a different nature."

"What? actually said I'm gay?" Qi Yue exclaimed sorrowfully.

Ji Mingming chuckled, "Of course, did you think living here would be so easy? Even if Sister Ru Yue has connections, there's no way you could live with us girls if Xu Qing and Sister Yun reported it to the school! You wouldn't know, but Sister Yun and Xu Qing have been classmates from primary school through high school until they both got into Qingbei. They're always together, I think there's a little bit of mei between them. So, I said you're gay. I thought it might gain some sympathy."

Qi Yue stated righteously, "As a man, being called gay by a beauty like you is the greatest insult. This is unbearable."

Ji Mingming snorted, "So, can you bear it or not?"

Qi Yue glanced at the doors of the bedrooms, chuckled in a creepy way, "Then I'll bear it. For the growth and development of the beauties living together, for the unity of Qingbei University students, I'll bear it."

Ji Mingming made a vomiting face, "You're utterly disgusting, you perv. What a blind decision, to make you the successor of Kylin."

Qi Yue asked out of concern, "Ming Ming, how many months along are you? Do you want me to take you to the hospital for a check-up? No matter what, it's a new little life! You must not abort it, if it's hard to bear, I'll step up and play the dad."

Ji Mingming was first taken aback, then quickly understood. She furrowed her brows angrily, "Buzz off."

Qi Yue replied in a wronged tone, "I was just showing concern, why be so fierce? Look how nice I am to you! Even if it's not mine, I'm willing to take responsibility."

"You..." Ji Mingming burst into laughter, "There's no dealing with you and your thick skin, you scoundrel."

Qi Yue chuckled, "Oh, when chasing a girl, you should be bold, careful, and thick-skinned. That's the traditional secret recipe. As they say, 'a woman won't love a man who isn't bad, a woman won't sleep with a man who isn't a scoundrel.'"

"Alright, you can leave now. Your bedroom is right across the hall from mine." Ji Mingming was getting a bit tired, but for some reason, even though Qi Yue's words were a bit vulgar, they only made her feel relaxed, not disgusted.

Qi Yue was pushed out of the room by Ji Mingming. Before she closed the door, she told him, "Sister Ru Yue instructed me. You have a special status. If you want to go out anywhere, you must call me. I must protect you at all times. Moreover, since I've told them you're gay, you mustn't give them any lewd looks. Keep yourself in check or you'll be kicked out sooner or later."

"Yes, dear cousin, I got it." Even though he was labeled as gay, Qi Yue was in high spirits. The idea of living with three beauties made him excited.

Qi Yue's assigned bedroom was on the darker side devoid of sunlight, after all, he couldn't possibly compete with the girls for a sunlit room. However, the room was spacious. Furniture and arrangement were similar to Ji Mingming's room and even the bedding was brand new. Qi Yue realized Ji Mingming must have prepared this room specially for him. The thought warmed his heart.

He unpacked his bag, put his new clothes in the cupboard. Naturally, these clothes were not what he originally had. They were all purchased by Hai Ruyue according to his height and body shape. At first, Qi Yue didn't want to accept them, but Hai Ruyue insisted saying that he can repay her after he graduates. Qi Yue had no choice but to accept. Although he didn't particularly like Hai Ruyue, he felt compelled to give some face to his newly sworn godfather, Uncle Zhou.

Just as he finished tidying up, there was a knock on his bedroom door.

"Ming Ming, no need to knock, just come in." Qi Yue casually responded.

The door opened, but the person entering was not Ji Mingming as he'd anticipated. Instead, it was Xu Qing carrying a piece of paper. She glanced at Qi Yue then looked at him superiorly, "Here, these are the dormitory rules I've just written. If you don't follow them, we'll kick you out."

Qi Yue took the paper, skimmed over the list and counted ten strict rules. One, no loud noises or bringing men into the dorm. Two, must wash feet upon returning to the dorm, and no peeking at roommates' laundry. Three, must submit shower requests a day in advance. Four, no fighting over toilets. If all want to use it, he must wait until last. Five, not allowed to wander into others' rooms unless invited. Six, no smoking or drinking. Seven, no all-night outs unless permitted, ...

Looking at the specifically meticulous rules, even down to where to wash his underwear and the time to use the toilet, Qi Yue complained resentfully, "It's been so many years since liberation, why are you making me sign the Nanjing Treaty? Can we reduce a few? This, this…"

"Reduce what? Cut the crap. Are you in or not? If not, pack up and get out." Xu Qing was clearly short-tempered and didn't entertain any bargaining.

Qi Yue forced a smile, "Fine, I'll sign it. I'll endure."

"What endure? You're living with three beautiful women. Many guys would kill for this chance. Not making you do our laundry and cooking is already considered good deal. You can eat at the school canteen. We cook for ourselves. Of course, if you want to join us, you need to pay for the food and also wash dishes."

Qi Yue hesitated for a moment, "So how much would be the food expense?"

Xu Qing thought for a moment, "Our monthly food expense is about a thousand or so, because Sister Yun does the cooking, so her portion is a bit less, and Ming Ming and I, being girls, eat less, so, you should pay about five hundred per month. That's fair, right? Of course, you can't forget about washing the dishes."

Qi Yue scratched his head, shaking it resolutely, "I think I'll just eat at the canteen. I won't join you guys." My God! Five hundred a month on food, plus room rent, his allowance wouldn't sustain him. Although Hai Ruyue had paid his tuition, he couldn't be asking her for more money. As a man, Qi Yue still had some dignity. He resisted the temptation to taste the girls' cooking and turned down Xu Qing's proposal.

Xu Qing, a bit surprised, queried, "The meals Sister Yun makes are delicious, don't you want to try?"

Qi Yue shook his head, "I hate doing dishes more than anything else since I was a child, so no thanks. Moreover, I eat quite a lot, so having meals at the canteen suits me best. Before coming here, I heard that Qingbei University's canteen doesn't restrict the amount of rice and buns as long as you don't waste."