Chapter 13 Female Dormitory (Part 1)_1

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His blood quickened its pace in his body, allowing Qi Yue to vividly sense an invisible energy radiating from within himself. After sleeping for a hundred days and now awakened once more, he discovered that every time he was emotionally agitated, the Kirin Pattern would spontaneously appear on his body. Now, it had undoubtedly manifested itself again.

In the room, the two girls who were in various poses due to their excitement were covered in a layer of blush on their delicate skin. Their caressing hands were speeding up. Qi Yue had no idea how long he had been standing, but finally, two sounds of excited scream resonated almost simultaneously. Their movements stopped during the tremors.

Intense panting echoed non-stop. The two girls seemed very tired, hugging each other on the bed, both of them looking blissful.

Qi Yue swallowed, knowing that he couldn't look any longer. He hastily tip-toed towards the dormitory's main door. Maybe it was his guilty conscience, or perhaps because he had stood for too long that his legs had stiffened. After only taking three steps, his feet tangled together, and he staggered, banging into a table in the hallway, making a loud noise.

"Who's there?" a frightened voice came from within the room, followed by the sounds of quickly dressing. Qi Yue's reaction was swift; he ran to the dormitory door and knocked, pretending to be nonchalant: "Is anyone there?"

Who said women were slow at getting dressed? As soon as Qi Yue's hand knocked a few times, a girl with burgundy hair from the previous room walked out. Her hair tied in a simple ponytail was slightly disheveled. She was wearing a short skirt and a loose t-shirt, evidently rushed due to lack of time. Her clothes were inside out, and Qi Yue could even see the two buds, rigid due to anxiety. The girl had cute dimples on her face, although she tried to maintain her composure, her eyes revealed panic that she could not hide.

"You, how did you get in here? Who are you?" The girl seemed very nervous, picking up a glass bottle from the table.

Qi Yue jumped in fright, he also felt guilty and quickly said: "Hello, I'm a new student. I think this is where I'm supposed to stay." As he spoke, he waved the keys in his hand.

"Nonsense! This is the female dormitory, how could a guy like you stay here?" The girl holding the glass bottle raised her hand, ready to defend herself fiercely. At this time, another girl came out of the room. Taller than the first girl, about 1.7 meters tall, wearing a pink blouse and with her long black hair trailing behind her. She was obviously better at maintaining her composure, quickly saying to the girl with the bottle: "Qing'er, let's figure out what's going on first."

Qi Yue forced a smile: "This really is my dormitory! How else could I have the keys to open the door? Could it be that the director of the academic affairs office made a mistake?"

The girl called Qing'er asked somewhat nervously: "How long have you been in here?"

Qi Yue quickly replied: "I just came in! Aren't I knocking on the door?"

Qing'er visibly sighed in relief, lowering the hand holding the bottle, while the girl in the pink shirt looked meaningfully at the slightly moved table.

Qi Yue curiously asked: "Is this really a female dorm? How could this be?" Even with the liberal atmosphere of the school now, it surely would not allow co-ed dorms.

Qing'er huffed, saying: "Why would I lie to you? From the first to the ninth floor of the dormitory, they are all female dormitories. The male dormitories are only on the upper floors. Tell the truth, where did you get the key? Oh, I know, are you Ming Ming's boyfriend?"

"Ming Ming, which Ming Ming are you talking about? Is it Ji Mingming?" A flicker of emotion appeared in Qi Yue's heart.

"Of course! So you really are Ming Ming's boyfriend. That girl really has guts, giving you her key and letting you into our dormitory. Humph, anyway, she will be back from class soon. We will confront her when she returns."

Qi Yue shrugged, walking over to a chair by the table and sitting down, "I haven't asked for the names of the two beautiful ladies yet."

Qing'er's nervousness had clearly vanished. She snorted, "Why should I tell you? Can't you see it! There's nothing outstanding about you. Why would Ming Ming be interested in you? She is one of the two campus beauties of Qingbei University."

Qi Yue asked curiously, "Two beauties? Isn't it three? Including both of you, that should make it three!"

Sycophancy never fails. Hearing Qi Yue's words, the facial expressions of the two girls visibly relaxed a bit. Qing'er snorted, "Figures. My name is Xu Qing, I'm in the Department of Foreign Languages, just like Ming Ming. This is Shen Yun, the Department Beauty of High Energy Physics. And neither of us are included in the two beauties. What about you? Your name is... and it's already October, why are you just enrolling now?"

Qi Yue was always adept at telling white lies, "Hello, my name is Qi Yue. Due to illness, I enrolled a bit late. I'm a freshman in the Philosophy Department." As he spoke, his eyes were already roaming over the slender figures of the two beauties. Thinking of the sight of them spraying earlier, Qi Yue's heartbeat inevitably quickened.

Xu Qing looked at Qi Yue, whose eyes were glittering, "What are you looking at, have you never seen a beauty before? Good for you, Ming Ming. When she comes back, wait and see how I'm going to deal with her. She actually let a man into our dormitory."

Just as Qi Yue was preparing to chat up the two beauties, Ji Mingming, casually dressed, walked in through the dormitory door. She was carrying a simple book bag with a few books inside. As soon as she entered, she busily changed her shoes, saying as she did, "Qing Qing, you skipped class again today. The teacher said if you do it again, your score will be zero this semester. Oh, Qi Yue, you came so early." After she changed her shoes, she glanced at Qi Yue, who was smirking at her.

"Ji Mingming." Xu Qing roared in anger, "You wretched girl, you dared to invite your boyfriend to our dorm without giving us a heads up. You, you know..." At this point, she blushed, stealing a glance at Shen Yun.

Even Ji Mingming's face turned red, "Qing Qing, don't talk nonsense. Qi Yue is my cousin, not my boyfriend."

Qi Yue stood up, grinned, and said, "If you want, I wouldn't mind pretending. By the way, since this is a girls' dormitory, why did the school give me the keys to this dormitory? They wouldn't let me live with you guys, would they?"

Ji Mingming retorted sourly, "Stop talking nonsense, what sharing an apartment. We just live under the same roof."

Shen Yun was shocked, "Mingming, you're not serious, are you? This is a girls' dormitory, how can a man live here?"

Ji Mingming walked up to Shen Yun and whispered something in her ear, her eyes pleading.

Upon hearing her words, Shen Yun's face softened a bit, but her gaze at Qi Yue became somewhat strange, "So that's how it is, no wonder."

Xu Qing said, "Sister Yun, don't tell me, do you really plan on letting this guy move in?"

Shen Yun whispered something into Xu Qing's ear. Xu Qing's facial expression changed too, and her gaze at Qi Yue also became strange, "I see! He is pretty pitiful, and he doesn't pose much of a threat to us, but letting a man live here does feel kind of strange."

Ming Ming took Xu Qing's hand, pleading, "Oh Qing Qing, don't worry, I promise I'll keep an eye on him. He won't disrupt our way of life. I had no choice but to do this! If it weren't for that reason, the school wouldn't have let him live in our girls' dormitory."

Xu Qing and Shen Yun looked at each other, "All right, but if he's moving in, we need to set some rules. After all, he is a man."

Ji Mingming said joyously, "No problem, I promise on his behalf."

Qi Yue was left confused by their attitudes, before he could ask anything, Ji Mingming had pulled him into another bedroom.

The bedroom was simply furnished — a computer desk with a laptop, a single bed, a desk with several books, and two wardrobes.