Chapter 12: Shadow Kylin (Lower)_1

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The young girl didn't turn back; instead, her pleasing voice stated, "You'll know soon enough."

A good beginning makes for the halfway success. But this time, there seems to be no auspicious kickoff, Qi Yue felt somewhat dull, he shrugged helplessly, but it's alright; he did manage to learn the location of the Registrar's office from the young girl. He adjusted the strap of his bag on his shoulder and strided towards it.

Qingbei University Registrar's Office.

Qi Yue stood in front of a large desk. Behind the desk sat a man, looking over fifty, the Dean of Registrar's Office. He inspected Qi Yue's admission letter with attention and quickly, with a smile on his face, said, "Ah, so you're President Hai's brother. No need for formalities; please have a seat."

Qi Yue's legs went limp, and he nearly collapsed. What? Hai Ruyue, the Big Dragon, called him her brother. Luckily, thanks to the calming relic on his wrist, his emotions regained stability. He sat down on the chair opposite to the Dean.

The Dean flashed a hint of a smile and stated, "Young man, your sister has made a great many contributions to our university. She is an alumnus and we hope you'd be as outstanding as her. Well, now let's talk about what subject you'd like to study. This, she didn't choose for you."

Subject? Qi Yue faltered momentarily, indeed he didn't know what he ought to study. He hadn't even finished junior high school and hadn't touched a textbook for several years. Jumping directly into a higher-learning institution, he felt rather befuddled. When he was a child, Qi Yue craved learning, even his best friend, Squirrel, was unaware that he was always an excellent student in elementary school. However, as he grew older and experienced the vicissitudes of life, although he was still a teenager, he inevitably felt disappointed with society and thus, with himself. As a result, he chose to lower his aspirations and gave up. Until the moment he set foot in Qingbei University, Qi Yue suddenly felt his blood boiling; after all, this place had once been in his dream. But time had passed, and he was nineteen now. Much had been lost, and there was no chance to start over. Before coming to Qingbei University, Hai Ruyue had told him that she sent him here, not expecting him to learn something specific, but hoping that he could adapt his temperament in the academic atmosphere and learn more philosophical wisdom of life.

The Dean, apparently quite respectful of Hai Ruyue, enthusiastically suggested, "How about choosing the Department of Foreign Languages? We are flourishing in recent years and need young people like you."

Qi Yue smiled wryly inwardly. I'd love to choose the Department of Foreign Languages. At any university, the Department of Foreign Languages would be where most beauties are. However, besides recognizing twenty-six letters, I can barely remember the months in English. Wouldn't it be like listening to a different language if I chose the Department of Foreign Languages?

"I have made my decision." Qi Yue declared seriously.

The Dean smiled and asked, "So you've selected the Department of Foreign Languages?"

"No, I've chosen the Philosophy Department." Qi Yue's words almost made the Dean's jaw drop.

"What did you say? Which department have you chosen?" The Dean thought there was a problem with his hearing.

Qi Yue smiled too, "I said I selected the Philosophy Department! Don't you think I am a thoughtful, moral student?"

The Dean looked at the mischievous sparkle in Qi Yue's eyes and murmured to himself, "You don't look like a philosophy student... Did President Hai know about your choice?"

Qi Yue shrugged, "She told me to decide on my matters and didn't impose any requirements on me."

After triple-confirming that Qi Yue was not joking, the Dean reluctantly proceeded with his admission process.

"The Philosophy Department primarily offers eight major subjects, with each subject being the primary focus for a semester, yearly. You also have the choice to select some elective subjects from other departments. President Hai has already paid your fees, so you can officially start your classes from tomorrow. Your dormitory is Room 603 in Building 11 of the university's residential area. It's a four-room apartment shared with three other students. You can go pick up your books soon and then familiarize yourself with the campus environment. Welcome to Qingbei University."

Stepping out of the administrative office, Qi Yue clearly felt much more relaxed. He chuckled to himself, speculating that Hai Ruyue would probably never have guessed that he'd choose the Philosophy major. Perhaps she'd be furious when she found out.

His phone suddenly rang. Before starting school, Hai Ruyue had already provided him with a charger, which meant Qi Yue finally had a functioning mobile phone. He noticed the caller I.D, and couldn't help thinking to himself 'Speak of the devil, and he shall appear!'

"Dragon, no sooner had we separated than you called me. Have you fallen in love with me already?" Qi Yue answered, teasingly.

Qi Yue guessed right. Hai Ruyue was indeed furious. Her voice on the phone was loud enough for anyone within a ten-metre radius to hear. "Qi Yue, you bastard. Who told you to choose the Philosophy major? Don't you know that it is the most unpromising major? Do you think Qingbei University is a kindergarten? I put so much effort into getting you in, and you go ahead and choose this broken subject."

Qi Yue retorted, "Hey hey, keep it down; I'm not deaf. I can hear you. What's wrong with Philosophy? Didn't you say I should learn some truths about life at Qingbei University? Isn't that what Philosophy teaches? What's better than that? You should know that I, an unemployed youth who hasn't even graduated from junior high, what could possibly suit me better? Want to burden me with something incomprehensible? Enough, I've made my choice; that's that. Oh, and by the way, President Hai, when did you become my sister? I reckon if I did have an elder sister as fierce as a tyrannical Dragon, I wouldn't have lived this long! Ha-ha!" With that ironic final jab, Qi Yue hung up the phone, feeling both triumph and satisfaction. He had finally escaped Hai Ruyue's grip.

Feeling relaxed and satisfied, he picked up his textbooks as the head of administration directed him and then made his way towards his new dormitory.

As one of the best universities in Yan Huang Republic, Qingbei University has complete and diverse facilities. Qi Yue was quite pleased with the campus environment. However, he was not satisfied with what he wished for. Other than that impulsive girl he saw when he first entered the school, all he saw were fearful level girls. This forced him to maintain a gentlemanly demeanor and head off in the direction of his dormitory without getting distracted.

The dormitory buildings at Qingbei University couldn't be described as luxurious, but they gave off a refreshing vibe. From the floors to the walls, everything was spotlessly clean, bright and tidy, clearly well maintained. The dormitory had eighteen floors, and Qi Yue's room was on the sixth. Even though it was class time, some students who did not have class were wandering about the building.

Taking the elevator straight to the sixth floor, Qi Yue came to his dorm room. He confirmed that the room number was indeed 603 before using the key the administrator had given him to unlock the door and step inside.

As soon as he entered, Qi Yue heard an unusual sound.

"Hmmm..., hmmm..., go... lighter, ah..., faster, faster..."

For a hooligan like Qi Yue, who had watched thousands of adult films and had extensive theoretical knowledge of the subject, this sound was unmistakably familiar.

Holy crap! Did I accidentally stumble onto a Japanese AV filming set? Qi Yue carefully placed his luggage on the ground and quietly made his way towards the source of the sound.

The dormitory was just as described by the head of administration, a four-bedroom apartment with two bathrooms and a large kitchen. The sounds were coming from one of the bedrooms, Qi Yue cautiously approached the door and peered through the slightly ajar door. He was met with a scene that sent his blood racing.

It was not the interplay of a man and woman as he had imagined. Qi Yue stood there, dumbfounded, as he saw two bare-skinned women caressing each other. They were stunningly beautiful, both with gorgeous long hair, one black and the other dyed a captivating wine red.

Even though Qi Yue was quite used to seeing women in the nude from his viewings of adult films, it was his first time witnessing the spectacle up close and personal. His nose felt warm, and he had to fight off a nosebleed.

The white, long legs, flawless back, enticing posterior all beckoned him, causing an animalistic surge of heat in his heart. The two girls, entranced in their pleasure and moaning, were completely oblivious to the wide-eyed scoundrel outside the room.

I can't take it anymore, this is going to kill me. Qi Yue experienced an unbearable thirst, and part of him fervently wished to barge in and become the protagonist of this intimate scene. However, it felt as though his legs were anchored to the ground. Despite his desires, he could not take those few short steps.