Chapter 16 Kylin Arm appears and breaks the sky (Part 3)_1

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Ji De did not give Qi Yue a lot of time to think. He snorted coldly, took a step forward with his left foot, quickly raised his right leg, repeating the same action as before. Again, he aimed a whip-like kick at Qi Yue.

In the face of absolute power, Qi Yue's half-baked deflection technique could not possibly work. At this moment, his heart was filled with grief and indignation. He was upset because he was being underestimated, and he lamented his own weakness. Seeing Ji De's leg come at him, all he could do was lean to the side and fend off Ji De's leg with both hands.

A strange thing happened. Empty Qi Yue was startled to find that the gust of wind from Ji De's leg was not charging at him. Instead, it was creating a pull that seemed to draw him towards Ji De's leg, like a moth to a flame.

Ji De's aim was simple. As Qi Yue suspected, he wasn't intending to kill Qi Yue. But for the sake of his sister, he determined to give Qi Yue a lesson he would never forget. Now, the look of disdain on his face was even more obvious. Seeing the absence of that strange glow from Qi Yue that he saw earlier, he knew that Qi Yue could no longer resist his attack.

Just as Ji De's powerful leg was about to hit Qi Yue's arms when suddenly, the shadow behind Qi Yue on the floor moved slightly. Following that, in an instant, Qi Yue felt a surging heat flow inside him that surged into his right arm. His left arm reflexively retracted, and his right palm horizontally swept and slapped directly on Ji De's calf.

With a dull bang, Qi Yue was surprised to find that there was no great impact as he had expected. Ji De's formidable kick was actually blocked by his right palm.

Ji De was filled with shock. At that moment, when Qi Yue's right palm hit his calf, he clearly felt as if he had kicked a metal plate. The fierce counter-shock actually caused him to withdraw his right leg faster than he had kicked it out, even stepping backward due to the counteracting force.

Fifty percent strength. There are only a handful of people in the army who could block his fifty percent strength attack. But the street punk in front of him had just slapped back his kick, what did that prove?

While Ji De was a little stunned, the Qi Yue in front of him suddenly changed. His originally black eyes turned one black and one silver. His right hand turned into a fist, he made a stance of advancing forward, and fiercely punched toward Ji De's direction in thin air.

This was not controlled by Qi Yue. He suddenly found that his body seemed to have changed. A familiar voice deep in his heart roared, "The dignity of the Kirin can't be violated, the Kirin Arm now reveals the heavens."

At this moment, Qi Yue's messy hair stood on end, his body emanated a layer of black aura, his eyes flickered with a strange light. The two colours of black and silver light spread out from the punch, entwining to form a pillar of light as thick as an arm, charging directly towards Ji De's chest.

Ji De's usually calm face suddenly showed a trace of fear. He found that the air around him seemed to have solidified, his massive body was enveloped by a formidable pressure. The invisible momentum was forcing him to fight back.

"Get out of the way." Qi Yue roar. A black and silver shadow emerged from his back, although it disappeared in a flash, it instantaneously elevated his momentum to the extreme.


Neither Qi Yue nor Ji De could have imagined such a result prior to the black and silver light bursting out. The whole building shook violently due to this mere punch. The loud rumble could probably be heard clearly in the whole neighbourhood.

Ji De fell to the ground, his eyes wide open in disbelief as he gaped at the hole a meter in diameter in the wall. His face was as white as paper. Just at that moment, the imposing aura that locked him fluctuated slightly. He was shocked and fell back a step to the side. Then, the mixed light of black and silver brushed past him, hitting the wall several meters behind him.

Attack was not Ji De's strong suit; his best attribute was his defence. But seeing the effects of Qi Yue's attack, he knew clearly that even if he exerted all his strength, he might not be able to withstand such an assault. Especially since, due to his underestimation of Qi Yue, he hadn't even manifested his full power in their fight so far.

Qi Yue was taken aback too, for he had no idea what was happening. The familiar voice, upon fading away, had only said one thing - "The Kirin's might is always in its right arm."

With a bang, the door was violently flung open. The secretary, who had been present earlier, dashed in briskly. Despite his high military rank, his movements were still incredibly agile. Even if the room was well soundproofed, the crowd-pausing bang couldn't have gone unnoticed outside.

The secretary's gaze fell immediately on the large hole in the wall; his eyes contracted, and without a moment's hesitation, he pointed his miniature handgun at Qi Yue. Ming Ming, who had just followed the secretary into the room, also froze in disbelief at the sight.

At that moment, Ji De was slowly getting up from the floor and quickly reassured, "Uncle Li, it's fine, it's all fine."

Secretary Li looked at him questioningly, as Ji De hurried to Qi Yue's side, put an arm around his shoulder, and said, "It was just a friendly exchange between this brother and I."

The surprise in Secretary Li's eyes was impossible to hide, "Ji De, did you lose?"

Ji De replied somewhat awkwardly, "Yes! I didn't expect Brother Qi Yue to be so powerful. It's all good now."

Secretary Li gave a wry smile, "I doubt it will be more than two minutes before hundreds of people come here from the leader's place." He was right. Outside, there was already a throng at the door, knocking vehemently. And to Qi Yue's surprise, he saw a military helicopter from the room's window.

Ten minutes later, when the old man had dealt with everything, and the quiet was restored, Qi Yue still felt dazed. It wasn't the sudden appearance of the special forces that surprised him - after all, the troops protecting a leader were the elite of the elite. His shock was due to himself, the simple words 'Kirin Arm piercing the sky' had resonated with him deeply.

"Sit, Qi Yue." The old man smiled and returned to the main seat in the hall, as if nothing had happened before. Qi Yue, Ming Ming, Ji De, and the old man were the only people left in the hall. All eyes were focused on Qi Yue, making him feel a little uncomfortable. Finally, at the old man's invitation, he went forward to sit next to Ming Ming.

"Living up to the title of King of the Zodiac Guardian, once again, you've shown me the marvel of our Eastern Guardians." The old man's eyes sparkled with admiration.

With a jolt, Qi Yue asked, "You knew?" Simultaneously, he glanced at Ming Ming who sat next to him.

The old man nodded, "Master Zageru told me the first time I met him. Additionally, in our military, there has always been a special force; many of its members come from the Eastern Guardians. In a sense, you Eastern Guardians share the same mission as our military - we all protect our homeland. Working together, we can maximize our strength and make our Yan Huang Republic even more stable and powerful."

Ming Ming whispered into Qi Yue's ear, "Only my father and a select few top officials in the Yan Huang Republic know about our existence."

Smiling, the old man said, "From my perspective, I have tremendous respect for people like you who silently guard our country. So, on behalf of the nation, I express our gratitude. We're willing to offer you any assistance you may need. Let's just pretend that what happened a moment ago didn't take place. If De'er offended you in any way, I apologize on his behalf."

Qi Yue quickly stood up and said, "Uncle, Brother Ji De and I are fine. We were just having a friendly bout." While speaking, his left hand subconsciously touched his right arm. The 'Kirin Arm' - what could it be that could give his Kirin Arm such formidable power?