Chapter 16 Kylin Arm appears and breaks the sky (Part 2)_1

The boosting conference is about to begin, everyone, please vote more for Little Three, this is the third update today.


A hint of disappointment appeared in the old man's eyes. As he was about to say something, another person walked out from the corridor where he appeared earlier. This person was dressed in a crisp military uniform and stood straight as he stepped out from the corridor, saying, "Commander, your phone."

The old man stood up, saying, "You children chat first, I'll go take a phone call. Secretary Li, bring them some fruit and such to eat."

"Yes, Commander," Secretary Li answered impassively.

A secretary? This soldier is actually the old man's secretary. Qi Yue looked at the tall, resolute-looking soldier in front of him in astonishment. This soldier, referred to by the old man as Secretary Li, had a rank of two bars and four stars on his shoulder, and he was just a secretary. Normally, the rank of a secretary is three ranks below that of the commander. So would that mean that the old man is a general? You must know, the rank of general is the highest in the Yan Huang Republic, even the Vice Chairman of the Military Commission holds only this rank. The old man's surname is Ji. Surname Ji... God, could he be the one who, twenty years ago, as the commander of the Yan Huang Republic's Special Equipment Army, led his soldiers in creating one military legend after another, earning him the title of the God of War, the General Ji Changming of the Yan Huang Republic's Army?

The Special Equipment Army is the finest army in the Yan Huang Republic, and could even be said to be the ace army of the entire Yan Huang Republic, composed entirely of special forces selected from the various military regions. They are tasked with completing all sorts of seemingly impossible tasks, maintaining domestic stability, and participating in all United Nations peacekeeping operations; they are extremely elite.

Ming Ming seemed to notice the surprise in Qi Yue's eyes, giggled, and said, "You must have guessed my dad's identity. Don't go around telling others when you go out. I don't want people to know whose daughter I am."

Qi Yue's emotions were still surging. He had never expected that he would be visiting a general's home, and one with such a legendary color no less. Marshal Ji Changming was not only the first marshal in the country, but also held a high reputation internationally, and held the position of Vice Chair of the Military Commission. What did that say? No wonder Ji De looked down on him.

Ji De suddenly said from the side, "Young man, let me show you something."

Ming Ming laughed and said, "Brother, there you go again, any time we have guests our age at home, you always take them to see your treasures, not even asking if they might like them or not."

Ji De snorted and said, "Is there a man who doesn't like a knife? Qi Yue, that's your name, right? Want to go take a look?"

Qi Yue took a deep breath, calming his slightly shaken emotions, glanced at the somewhat challenging look in Ji De's eyes, and said calmly, "Let's go. Why not? I like knives too."

Ming Ming said, "Well then, you guys go ahead. I'll chat with Dad later."

Under Ji De's guidance, Qi Yue followed him into the corridor. The corridor was not too long, and after passing through two doors, they arrived in a large room.

This was a very large room, at least a hundred square meters. The room seemed very spacious, with nothing else apart from a computer and a bed on the side. Qi Yue was very familiar with the floor of the room; it was the same as the floor in Hai Ruyue's training room.

"You said you wanted to show me your knives?" Qi Yue looked calmly at Ji De. Maybe Ming Ming didn't notice, but how could he have missed it? Ji De calling him out alone was definitely not as simple as just looking at weapons.Ji De casually closed the door. Qi Yue clearly saw that the ordinary-looking wooden door was three times as thick as a regular one. Ji De calmly said, "Boy, do you remember what I said in front of Qingbei University? If you want to pursue my sister, you have to defeat me first. I don't know why Ming Ming is following you and even allowing you to come home with us, but in the future, I don't want to see you around her. When I first saw you, I could see from your shifty eyes that you're no good. I could care less about other things, but you're not going to get close to my sister. I called you here mainly to give you a warning. In the future, I don't want to see you with my sister again."

Qi Yue coldly looked at Ji De. Even a hooligan has dignity. He knew Ji De looked down on him, and he didn't want to explain anything anymore. He replied almost without hesitation, "What if I say no?"

Ji De's eyes sparkled, "No? Do you think you can say that word in front of me?"

Qi Yue responded with a chilly smile, "What if I persist and say no? What are you going to do? Kill me? Or break my leg?"

Ji De clenched his huge fist, "The sound insulation in this room is very good. If you defeat me, you can say no. Otherwise, stay the hell away."

Even though Qi Yue knew he was no match for Ji De, he nevertheless felt a surge of adrenaline. He said coldly, "Enough of your nonsense, Ji De. If you want a fight, bring it on."

Ji De was taken aback, "What did you call me? Damn it, in the army, people call me Indispensable, not Unscrupulous."

Qi Yue glared at him defiantly, "I called you Unscrupulous. What are you going to do about it? Lick me or what?" He might have been impulsive, but he had assessed the situation. He knew he was far from being a match for the man in front of him, but he was confident that even in the house of a general, Ji De wouldn't dare kill him. So what's the big deal with a fight? At worst, he'd lose, take a beating, but with his Mo Kirin's super recovery ability, he would recover in no time. As long as his life was not in danger, Qi Yue would not cower.

"Good," Ji De grew furious and burst out laughing. He made a slight move, and a roundhouse kick swiftly swooped toward Qi Yue. Uncle Zhou had explained to Qi Yue before that a roundhouse kick seemed less powerful than a backspin kick, but the truly skilled rarely used backspin kicks. This was because backspin kicks, though more powerful, exposed your weak joints to your opponent, easily giving them an opportunity. The roundhouse kick, on the other hand, struck the opponent's sturdiest part of the joint. Ji De's seemingly casual kick was not something YanXiaoyi could match. Even before the kick landed, the strong wind it generated sliced the air like a sharp blade – a clear testament to its overwhelming power.

Given Qi Yue's speed, he didn't have a chance to dodge. Seeing Ji De's kick coming, he immediately yelled, "Face it!" and met Ji De's attack with his open palms.

Back at noon, Qi Yue had utilized the power of thunder to defeat YanXiaoyi by electrifying him. Now, facing Ji De, he had no choice but to unleash his Kirin Cloud Power to the fullest. And he had to do it with both hands.

The moment Ji De's leg reached Qi Yue, he held up his palms, a red light orb in his left palm and a purple one in his right. Ji De suddenly felt a burning sensation and numbness in his leg, which slightly decreased its momentum before it smashed against Qi Yue's palms.

Ji De's power was even more formidable than Qi Yue had imagined. Qi Yue felt a terrific force coming from his palms, his arms were shaken open, and Ji De's kick hit him in the chest directly, sending him flying and hitting the wall not too far away hard. Fortunately, Qi Yue had channeled the powers of wind and water to protect his chest when he shouted the Nine-character True Words. Although his chest felt stuffy, his bones were not broken.

With just one kick, Qi Yue's Kirin Cloud Power was completely depleted. Although he managed to block it, he was stunned by Ji De's power. He had encountered Mo Di's kicks before, but Mo Di's kicks were nowhere near as dominant and ferocious as Ji De's. It was an overpowering force that felt almost impossible to resist!

Ji De did not pursue the attack. A hint of surprise showed in his eyes, "So you're a superpower user. No wonder you dare to be so defiant. But I've seen many superpower users like you. Your little tricks are not enough to challenge me. The kick just now was only at 30% of my power. The next one will be at 50%. If you can withstand that, I would consider you a man and not a coward."

The burning pain in his chest sobered Qi Yue. The incredible power Ji De demonstrated was something he had never seen before. This kind of invisible pressure was only felt once when Hai Ruyue underwent Attribute Metamorphosis. If 30% of Ji De's power was this terrifying, how could he resist 50% now that he had lost his cloud strength?