Chapter 369: Dragon-Elephant Sword Talisman_1

Before leaving the sect, Lu Xuan planted three sword-cultivating gourds in his cave dwelling.

However, as the Nurturing Sword Gourd requires Sword Qi for its growth during the cultivation period, the second-hand flying swords he placed underneath the vines wouldn't hold out for very long, thus significantly slowing down the growth process.

Once he returned to the sect, he added the free flying swords he had gotten from the Secret Land. The famished Nurturing Sword Gourd began to absorb a massive amount of Sword Qi and Sword Intent, entering a period of rapid growth.

Months passed, and the verdant marbled gourds hanging on the vines were full of Sword Qi, resulting in sword sounds that occasionally echoed in the air.

Lu Xuan's consciousness converged on the gourds, which were nurturing the invisible Sword Qi. He examined their detailed conditions.

"Some have fully matured."

He was overjoyed.