Chapter 370: Empty Cultivation Level_1

Of course, we must not forget the weird spiritual plants in the Sword Sect Town Small Courtyard.

Fourth Grade Blood Spirit Ginseng, Fifth Grade Blood Sin Flower, Strange Longevity Peach, Holy Baby Fruit, and the yet to be planted Fourth Grade Filthy Insect Grass, each one was a treasure.

In addition, there were many spirit beasts dwelling in the cave. Since their growth cycle was significantly longer than spiritual plants, the difficulty in receiving the light cluster rewards was considerably increased. However, once their strength and rank advanced, they could receive satisfying rewards.

"Everyone knows the benefits of cultivation, yet only I enjoy the thrill of farming."

Lu Xuan thought to himself as the various Magic Artifacts and treasures in his Gluttonous Insect Pouch, the mastered Sword Art Techniques, and his powerful flesh body all strengthened his intent to pursue the path of spiritual plants.