Show me where your family members are lying

The person from the French army knew Belle Rose, Mr Alvin, and Mrs Gloria had no clue what would happen. He looked at Belle Rose and asked. "Can you show me where your family members are laid to rest?" Belle Rose nodded as she gave the medals to Mr Alvin and Mrs Gloria. Belle Rose led the person from the French army to where her family members were laid to rest. Everyone was stunned as they watched Belle Rose leading the person from the French army to the headstone of her family members.

Belle Rose came back with the person from the French army, and he spoke. "I will leave now and do not blame Belle Rose, for she has come here to pay her respect to her family members and the rest of the French men who are laid to rest here. But I am happy to have a photo taken with Belle Rose and the medals I had just given her." Mr Alvin and Mrs Gloria had given Belle Rose her family members' medals. Belle Rose gave her phone to Fatima, and Fatima knew Belle Rose wanted her to take some photos with her phone. Belle Rose opened the boxes as Mrs Gloria and Mr Alvin got their cameras out. 

Belle Rose stood next to the French army officer and had photos taken. The French army officer left, and Fatima gave Belle Rose her phone back. Belle Rose placed the medals in her backpack and wiped the tears from her face. Fatima hugged her, and they knew Belle Rose was not expecting to receive medals for her family. Belle Rose looked at the photos Fatima could take and made one of the photos her phone background.

Belle Rose knew she had to inform her grandparents about what had happened, so she got her phone out. She took some breaths and dialled her grandmother on her mother's side. She placed the phone beside her ear and heard her grandmother's voice. "Hello, Belle Rose. Why are you phoning me right now?" Belle Rose took some breaths and replied. Hi, Grandma. I am phoning now because I have just been given something and am still shocked."

Grandma Lucille was thrown back and asked. "What do you mean, and where are you?" Belle Rose took some breath and spoke. "I am at the French war memorial in Germany and just met someone from the French army. I could pay my respects to family members who did not make it home, and the person from the French army had just given me our family members' medals. I had placed them in my school backpack and thought you wanted to know about it." 

Grandma Lucille was stunned but knew Belle Rose was speaking the truth as Mr Alvin had informed her about the school trip to Germany. Grandma Lucille knew she had to see the medal and asked. "Have you got some photos of yourself with the medals? Can you send them across?" Belle Rose nodded and replied. "Yes, I have some photos of me with the medals and will send them to you, Grandpa Chase, Grandma Beth and Grandpa Ben. Can you inform Grandpa Chase about what I just told you about? I need to inform Grandma Beth and Grandpa Ben."

Grandma Lucille nodded and replied, "Of course I will, and he will be surprised to hear about the medals. But well done on receiving them, even though you were not expecting it. Please have a good school trip, and enjoy it. You have earned it, and we will keep an eye out for your worthless parents and the man they had picked." Belle Rose nodded, and they hung up. Belle Rose sent her grandparents the photos of her with the medals, and her Grandma Beth sent her a text. 

They all returned to the coach, and Belle Rose looked through her family members' medals. Fatima knows Belle Rose is still in shock and allows her to take her time. Belle Rose wiped the tears from her face and kissed every single medal. The coach arrived back at the hotel, and Belle Rose sat on the bed with the medals on her lap. Belle Rose texted her Grandma Beth back, telling her what happened and how she ended up with the medals. Belle Rose sat at the desk and wrote the names of the medals that her family members had earned. 

Belle Rose knew she had to wait until she met her large family to show them the medals. She was holding one medal, which had blown her away, and she was speechless. Fatima walked over to Belle Rose, peeking over her shoulders and knowing Belle Rose was stunned to speechless. Belle Rose placed the medals back in the boxes and put the boxes in her suitcase. Belle Rose wiped the tears from her face and spoke. "I was not expecting to meet someone from the French army and receive the medals my family members had won. I am so glad that I could pay my respects to my family members and the other fallen French men."

"Receiving the medals was the last thing I expected, and holding them was beyond my imagination. I am so proud of my family members and the rest of the men who signed up to serve their country. I wish that I could stop crying, but to have the medals. That was something, as I am sure Mr Alvin and Mrs Gloria had no idea that someone from the French army would be there today." Belle Rose sat on the bed with Fatima and had a moment of silence to remember the fallen soldiers. Belle Rose knew she could get the book about the castle from the bookstore on Monday and get more information about the castle.

Belle Rose and Fatima heard a phone going on. They looked at their phones, and Belle Rose realised it was her phone going. Belle Rose answered it, and it was her Grandma Beth. "Hi, Grandma Beth, and what is happening in France?"