Your parents and Ayers have arrived

"Hi, Belle Rose. I am glad you are in Germany, and well done for paying your respects. I know someone from the French army has given you the medals for your family members. However, I do have something to inform you about, and that is that your parents and Ayers have arrived back. Your parents have refused to let someone inform them that the wedding that they had booked has now been cancelled, and the Pope did say that you are in charge of your life."

"We would not tell your parents where you are because we want you to enjoy the school trip and show them that you are in charge of your life, not them. But you have to be careful with the rest of your classmates because we don't know if they will tell your parents where you are. We know you had asked your best friend to keep a promise about not telling your parents and think that is a good idea. Someone from the church had gone to see Ayers and inform him about what was happening."

"We will watch your parents for you, and you enjoy the trip." Belle Rose was taken back from her grandmother but knew she was telling the truth. Belle Rose nodded and spoke. "Thank you, Grandmother, for informing me about what is happening, and I will enjoy the trip. I will try to speak to you or my other grandparents tomorrow." Grandmother Beth nodded, and they hung up. Belle Rose took some breaths, and Fatima asked. "What was that all about? What did your grandmother say?" 

Belle Rose looked at Fatima and replied. "My parents and Ayers have arrived back home from where they were. My parents refused to be informed about the wedding they had booked, which has now been cancelled. My grandparents are watching my parents for me so I can enjoy the trip, and someone from the church. He had gone to see Ayers and inform him what was happening. My grandparents know what happened today and know I have the medals. They are proud of me for paying my respects to my family members, and they want me to show my parents that I am in charge of my life, not them."

Fatima knew Belle Rose was telling the truth and knew she had to show that she was in charge of her life. Belle Rose finished writing the medals and placed them away in her suitcase. They could lie on the beds before they did anything else and kept checking the time. Fatima knew she had to keep her promise to Belle Rose and hoped Ayers would fall in love with someone else rather than Belle Rose.

Meanwhile, Paris, Ava, and Ayers arrived back home. Paris and Ava refuse to accept what has happened while they are away. However, Ayers was informed about it when the person from the church came to see him and let him know that the wedding that Paris and Ava had booked without him knowing. 

Ayers was furious and knew Belle Rose was not happy about it either. He also realised that Paris was trying to marry Belle Rose when she was still in school and that the deal was on the line. Ayers decided to find someone else to have instead of Belle Rose. But he realises Paris would not allow him to have someone other than Belle Rose and tries to work out how to choose someone else without Paris knowing. 

Ayers thanked the person from the church for informing him what was happening, and the person left him. Ayers sat on a sofa and relaxed before doing anything. Ayers knew he did not understand Belle Rose or what she liked and disliked. Ayers knew she had a best friend and searched for Belle Rose's best friend. Ayers saw a photo of Fatima and looked into what she liked and disliked.

They arrived at Paris and Ava's home but could not find Belle Rose anywhere. They realised she was on a school trip and tried to find the information form. But no matter how hard they looked and searched, they could not find any information about the school trip and realised it was the weekend.

Paris and Ave decided to go to school when Belle Rose returned home. However, they had no idea that something would happen to Belle Rose, leaving her behind in Germany and her classmates returning home without her. Paris and Ava heard Belle Rose did not stay at home after they had gone to see Ayers. 

Paris and Ava realised that Belle Rose would not stay in the same house as them. They had also been forcing her to do things they wanted her to instead of letting her do what she wanted. But they still want her to marry Ayers and continue the family tradition. They were exhausted from the trip and went straight to bed. 

Back in Germany, Belle Rose and Fatima went downstairs for dinner. Belle Rose pulled Mrs Victoria Gloria to one side and spoke. "Grandmother Beth had just contacted me to inform me that my parents and Ayers have returned home. She, Grandfather Ben and my other grandparents will keep an eye on them for me so I can enjoy the school trip. They are proud of me for paying my respects to family members and receiving the medals." 

Mrs Victoria Gloria knew Belle Rose wanted her to understand what was happening and knew she did not want to return home. They sat at the table and had dinner. However, before Belle Rose and Fatima return to the hotel room. Anne looked at Belle Rose and asked. "How come Mrs Gloria is your aunt, and Mr Alvin is your uncle?" Belle Rose stared at her as Mrs Gloria and Mr Alvin walked over to Belle Rose. Mrs Vary walked over to Anne, and Belle Rose replied. "Mrs Gloria is my aunt because she is my heartless father's sister, and Mr Alvin is my uncle because he is my worthless mother's brother. I have tried to be careful at school so you and everyone apart from Fatima would not know that two teachers are related to me through my heartless parents."