Are you sure about that? That's what you think

However, the guards stopped them and forced them to rejoin the group. Mr Eduard told them off and reminded them about the rules. Belle Rose felt horrible, and Fatima stayed close to her. Belle Rose held a card for Prince Willem and gave it to Mrs Vary. Annabella was about to lead the group out when Prince Willem appeared, and Mrs Vary strolled forward.

Anna, Elizabeth, Ellie, Harper, Leah, Lilly, Naomi, Nora, Ruby, Zoe, Fatima, and Belle Rose stood in a line. They curtsied before Prince Willem and Belle Rose bowed her head. Belle Rose knew something dreadful would happen and glanced over her right shoulder. Mrs Vary stared at Prince Willem and spoke. "Your Highness, this card is for you and may I introduce you to: Anna, Elizabeth, Ellie, Harper, Leah, Lilly, Naomi, Nora, Ruby, Zoe, Fatima, and Belle Rose." 

Prince Willem took the card and knew one of the girls had made it for him. Anna, Elizabeth, Ellie, Harper, Leah, Lilly, Naomi, Nora, Ruby, Zoe, Fatima, and Belle Rose stood up. Belle Rose saw Luke reaching for one of his socks, but Luke did not know Belle Rose had watched him. Anna, Elizabeth, Ellie, Harper, Leah, Lilly, Naomi, Nora, Ruby, and Zoe were about to pose sexyly towards Prince Willem. However, Prince Willem had his eyes on Belle Rose, and Fatima slowly pushed Belle Rose forward. But Belle Rose stared at Fatima and mouthed. "Luke had moved his left hand to his sock and had pulled something out of his sock."

Fatima winked at Belle Rose, and Belle Rose glanced to her left. She saw Prince William staring at her and curtsy deeply before him. Prince Willem and everyone were stunned at how low Belle Rose curtsy. Belle Rose slowly stood up and saw Luke pushing through Leah and Lilly. Belle Rose rushed forward and stood before Prince Willem as the guards rushed forward. Luke did not see Belle Rose because he only saw Prince Willem and yelled. "You and Ayers are not having Belle Rose. Because I am, and I will get her parents' permission." He jerked his right hand forward, and he thought he had stabbed Prince Willem. However, Belle Rose gasped into his left ear and whispered. "Are you sure about that? That's what you think." 

Luke pulled back but left the knife where he stabbed Belle Rose. He glared at Belle Rose and did move damage to her. He stabbed another knife from her left elbow down to her left hand and cut to the bone of her right ankle. Belle Rose screamed in pain as Mrs Gloria and Mr Alvin rushed over to them. Belle Rose kicked the second knife out of Luke's hand and yelled. "You can't decide for me because I am in charge of my life and know my parents would not accept you. They want me to marry Ayers so they can spend much more time together, but I won't."

"You will be in trouble with the Netherlands Royal Family, and I will show everyone, including my parents, Ayers and you. This Is My Life And No One Will Be In Charge Of My Life. You and my parents. Have to wake up and stop thinking you could control my life when you are not!" Mr Alvin shoved Luke back to Mr Redmund, and Mr Redmund pulled Luke away. Belle Rose collapsed backwards, and Prince Willem grabbed her. Prince Willem tore his shirt and wrapped it around Belle Rose's left arm. Mrs Gloria knelt next to Belle Rose and held her right hand. 

Mr Alvin applied pressure on Belle Rose's right ankle as Annabella called for a staff member, and Mr Eduard led everyone out. Fatima froze in fear and did not move. Two guards sized Luke and dragged him out of the building. Mr Redmund stood next to Fatima, and Belle Rose glanced down towards Fatima. Belle Rose stared at her best friend and spoke. "Fatima." Fatima brisked, walked over to Belle Rose, and knelt next to Belle Rose's head. Belle Rose stared up at Fatima and winced in agony. "Fatima, remember the promise about not telling my parents or Ayers where I am because I want to show them. I am in charge of my life, and they must wake up to realise we are in the 21st century, not the 15th century."

Fatima nodded while trying not to cry and replied. "Belle Rose, I will keep that promise, and please get better soon. I will tell Luke off for you and try to work out why he did that." Mr Redmund helped her stand up and walk out of the building. A staff member arrived and saw the blood coming from Belle Rose. She quickly called for an ambulance and police as Mrs Gloria realised her parents were heading their way. Mrs Gloria got her phone and called her parents. "Hello, Victoria; we are heading towards you at the hotel right now with the rest of your family. What is wrong?" Before Mrs Gloria could speak, Belle Rose screamed and spoke. "Grandma Beth and Grandpa Ben." 

Grandma Beth knew something was wrong and asked. "What has happened? What is going on over there?" Mrs Gloria reassured Belle Rose Rose and replied. "Belle Rose has been stabbed by one of her classmates and will be going to a hospital. I do not know what hospital she will be going to, but she is bleeding from three different parts of her body. Her heartless mother's brother is trying to stop the bleeding from her right ankle, and someone important is trying to stop the bleeding from her left forearm." Prince Willem stared at Belle Rose and spoke.

"Thank you for saving my life, and you are allowed to come back here after you are released from the hospital. I will take your backpack to the bedroom you will use after your discharge from the hospital and wait for you when you return here." Belle Rose nodded and replied. "You are welcome, Your Highness, and thank you for allowing me to come back here." Ambulance and police arrived at the castle. The police officers heard from Annabella what happened and arrested Luke for attempted murder. The ambulance was shown where Belle Rose was, and they got to work. They gave Belle Rose pain relief and oxygen. They saw the three wounds and saw the knives.