What hospital she will be going to?

Belle Rose felt her body shaking and knew she was going into shock. Mrs Gloria stared at a paramedic and asked. "What hospital will she be going to? I am her aunt and got her grandparents on the phone." One of the paramedics knew she had a fair point and replied. "She will be going to a hospital in Balingen and inform her grandparents to go there." Mrs Gloria nodded and spoke through the phone. "Go to the hospital in Balingen and meet me or Mr Alvin there. I will send the address to you and take it from there." Prince Willem held Belle Rose's left hand, and she squeezed it tight. 

Prince Willem knew Belle Rose was in pain and helped her as she was placed on a scoop stretcher. Belle Rose had a bandage around her right ankle and left forearm. She had a cervical collar on her neck and a catheter gently placed into her right elbow for a tube for the IV to go into her. Belle Rose tried to remain calm to allow the paramedics to continue their actions and was placed on a stretcher. Mrs Gloria looked down at Belle Rose and asked. "Do you want me or your uncle Alfred to come with you?" Belle Rose grabbed her aunt Victoria's right hand, and Mrs Gloria knew Belle Rose wanted her to come with her. 

Prince Willem refuses to let go of Belle Rose's left hand and helps with Mr Alvin. They get the stretcher outside the building, and Prince Willem kisses Belle Rose on her forehead. Belle Rose slowly releases his hand and is pushed into the ambulance. Mrs Gloria gets into the ambulance and holds Belle Rose's right hand. Prince Willem returns inside Hohenzollern Castle, and Belle Rose's classmates are stunned. Fatima told Mr Alvin what Belle Rose had felt and what she knew. Also, what Belle Rose had told her and about the promise that Belle Rose got her to promise was not to say to Belle Rose's parents and Ayers where Belle Rose was. Mr Eduard goes with Luke to the police station, and Mrs Sprocket leads everyone back to the coach. She got Fatima beside her, and Mr Alvin took the microphone. Everyone sat down, and he spoke. "Okay, I know what happened inside Hohenzollern Castle was the last thing we had expected, but Belle Rose is severely injured and going to a hospital."

"Luke, what he had done to Belle Rose and what he was planning to do towards Prince Willem. He should not have done that and is in massive time trouble. Nolan, Anna, and Elizabeth, what are you three and Luke even thinking of going into private rooms when you were told not to? Leah and Lilly. I am glad you two are not hurt but shaken. That is understandable, and we will find out why Luke did that. Anna, Elizabeth, Ellie, Harper, Leah, Lilly, Naomi, Nora, Ruby, and Zoe. What on earth were you ten even thinking of, trying to get Prince Willem to fall in love with one of you when he is in mourning?"

"Because he had lost his older brother, his older brother's family, his wife, and his unborn child. In a nasty plane and car crash. Fatima had informed me that Belle Rose had watched Luke reaching for something in his sock and what Belle Rose had felt while on the coach coming here. We will head back to the hotel, and I want all of you to go to the hotel rooms. Fatima, please go with Mrs Sprocket to a shop and get a get-well card for Belle Rose. Once Fatima and Mre Sprocket come back from the shop, I will go to your hotel room door with Fatima and knock on it. You will sign it and write get-well messages for Belle Rose. I will have my phone on me if I receive any news about Belle Rose and whether it's good or bad news."

"I will share it with you if you feel up to attending the church near the hotel and praying for Belle Rose. You can do it and take your time. But do not mention what happened to Belle Rose to your parent until we hear any news from Mrs Gloria." Anna, Elizabeth, Ellie, Harper, Leah, Lilly, Naomi, Nora, Ruby, and Zoe. They realise they should not have tried to get Prince Willem to fall in love with one of them when he was going through a hard time, and they were ashamed of themselves. Fatima knew she would keep the promise she made to Belle Rose and prayed with all of her heart for Belle Rose to recover. 

Mr Alvin returned the microphone to the coach driver and returned to his seat. The coach returned to the hotel, and Fatima went shopping with Mrs Sprocket. The shop staff asked them what they were looking for, and Fatima replied. "We are looking for a get-well card for my best friend and hope you have a big get-well card. Wir suchen eine Gute-Besserung-Karte für meine beste Freundin und hoffen, dass du eine große Gute-Besserung-Karte bekommen hast." 

The shop staff showed Fatima and Mrs Sprocket to the get-well cards section. Fatima saw a big get-well card and pointed it to Mrs Sprocket. Mrs Sprocket saw the get-well card and nodded. Fatima took it away from the rest of the get-well cards and looked through it. Mrs Sprocket and Fatima looked at each other. They nodded and went to the till. Mrs Sprocket paid for the get-well card and returned to the hotel with Fatima. Mr Alvin saw the card and allowed Fatima to sign the card first. Mrs Sprocket signed next, and Mr Alvin signed the card. Mr Alvin and Fatima. They went to the hotel room her classmates were using, and her classmates signed the cards. They also left get-well messages for Belle Rose, and Mr Alvin felt his phone ringing. Mr Alvin knew it had to be Mrs Gloria and answered his phone. "Mrs Gloria, what is the latest news about Belle Rose, and what will happen to her?"