I look beautiful.

Miss amber answers back."Okay young master I will explain it but first we must prepare for the duke's arrival. I will now begin my spell casting."

Frowning that I have to meet some stupid kids before I can finally learn about the type of world I'm in.

But at least I'll be able to see an actual spell.

Suddenly green light similar to fireflies flying around. They start hover around me and encircle me surrounding me.

Creating a magical scene around me that would only be seen in movies of stories.

Enjoying this experience I reach out to touch the light. When I reach them I feel a unknown power wash over me.

This power feels... friendly but dangerous and unfamiliar.

Caught in a position of where I'm unsure of what I'm currently feeling. Miss Amber calls out to me.

" What do you feel young master."

Afrer finding out that they know how supposedly smart I am. I'm just gonna drop the act.

"I feel like I'm touching something foreign. It's feels mysterious and at the same time unfamiliar."

Miss Amber answers with a small pout.

"That's unfortunate, looks like you weren't blessed with a talent for wind."

"What? Why don't I have talent for WIND!"

I question back as my cultivation journey which has even started yet is already off to a bad start.

Seeing my worryed look, Miss Amber laughs."Hahaha,you don't need to get so worked up young master. There are many elements in the world that you have the possibility of awakening, so don't lose faith, alright."

"Okay Miss Amber"

I say with a defeated expression. Feeling like I just lost something I never had.

"Young master, it's too early to be discouraged now. I know you want to start your cultivation journey and protect your mothers but you have many strengths that you dont need to rely on your elemental affinity. Plus your still just a child. So enjoy your youth okay."

Miss Amber says as she brings me in to a warm hug.

I spend a couple minutes in the hug trying to move on from my disappointment, and to remember that I'm still a child in this world.

'Mentally I'm older but I'm still a child and that may be affecting me mentally, or that what i think at least. But let's just take a break.'

"Okay, I think I'm fine now Miss Amber."

I say as I pull out from the hug.

Miss Amber then responds with a smile.

" If your fine them we should dress you up then, as I've already cleaned and dried you."

"Huh, when...was it those sparkly green lights! I saw before..."

I ask in confusion as I felt nothing touch me or nothing caressing me, nothing at all. So I don't understand how I was dried with out feeling anything.

"Heheh, that's a secret Young master."

Miss Amber responds to my confusion with a giggle.She then picks me up before I can protest or complain.

She walks in the direction of the change room. 'Man, my room is massive and has so many purposes that I haven't even discovered yet. I should set some time to explore it.'

In front of the change room is a brown door with golden embroidery over the door. The gold lines on the door give the door a sophisticated look that create wonder of what would be behind the door.

Near the top of the door their is a material that looks to be glass or crystal. I don't know but a crystal like material was embedded into the door in the form of 'Angus's Dressing room' in elvish.

'Thank God I learnt Elvish as I didn't get a cheat and had to fucking learn the language myself but it's alright as now I know the language so I won't hit any barriers about my identity.'

Miss Amber shifts me to one side of her body and swipes her free hand down. This opens the door. Wait,how did she open the door...?

"Miss Amber, might I ask how did you open the door."

Miss Amber ,who heard my question stops walking into the room and makes a thinking expression. She waits a few minutes before saying.

" Young master what I used was chi but to my understanding elves and humans font refer to it that way. They call it qi. "

She continues. "This power refers to something you will only truly understand once you start cultivating, so I'll explain it then okay."

Miss Amber responds with a smile while looking into my eyes. I see the sincerity she is trying to convey through her eyes to me. After seeing such a look from my (future) wife. I can only concede.

"Okay, I'll wait." I say continuing to maintain eye contact with Miss Amber.

We stay locked in each other's gaze but my neck is starting to hurt from maintaining this position. Which just further forces home the fact ,that I'm still just a child.

Miss Amber breaks contact first and begins walking into the changing room.

Entering this room I'm grace with a magical sight,of clothes flying from shelves to shelves in an oder that's just a wonder to the eye.

Looking around the room I she that the room is circular and has shelves all round the walls. In fact the shelves extend to a height we I can't see the roof.

All I can see is what looks to be another floor with silver embroidery saying "Armoury".

'Looks like my room really does have everything.'

I say while taking in the sight of the entire floor.

Miss Amber says" This must be your first time in here. As the other maids just bring your clothes from here but all your clothing needs will be in this room young mater."

I just nod absent minded as my thoughts are occupied with taking in this sight. Miss Amber giggles with shaking her head.

This breaks my trance and allows me the chance to see the beautiful sight of Miss Amber's hair flying backwards while revealing a beautiful smile,completely displaying the beautiful of this woman,in front of me.

'Fortunately I'm the only one that was able to appreciate the magnificent sight that was displayed in front of me.'

'After that short moment miss Amber walks to a mirror and places me in front of it.'

'In front of the mirror I notice, I've been naked from the beginning.I haven't worn anything since yesterday. '

'Seeing my body that my wife Asuna gift me. I must say I am fucking beautiful. No wonder my Charisma(check the 4th chapter).'

'Ooh that's a good opportunity I should measure myself against those kids that are coming it will give me good insight but Anglia is there a skill like that check that.'

[ Host there are several skills that can do that but most require a cultivation and a class]

'A class... you mean the ones from video games?'


'Hey, why didn't you answer me, Anglia.

[Sorry host but Anglia refuses to answer until you figure it out for yourself]

'Hey, what's wrong Anglia. Why are you suddenly acting this way?'


'Fine, fine. I'll stop asking you about it. Just don't stop talking to me,please.'

[I will continue to talk to host but I won't answer any questions on the pervious topic.]

'That's fine but let's get back to admiring my appearance. I'll get back to that skill.'

'Now with my white hair that's seems to be straight with no curls and crystal blue eyes that mirror the aquamarine gems,coupled with my adorable baby face that seems to be able to capture the heart of anyone that sees it and my height that makes me resembles a bug fluffy teddy bear. I'm the perfect baby eye candy. If I don't say so myself.'

'I can't wait to see how I'll look when I'm older. With a height reaching 6ft and heaven topping handsomeness. With a chiseled body that men would die for. Aaah nothing would be out of my reach then, Hahaha.'

[ Host do you not remember your request to Goddess Asuna]

'You mean being reborn with two smoking hot moms and be a sho..t.a.can. '

[Wait for it]

'My heiggghhhhhttttt. My tall and beautiful body! Why did I say that to you Asuna? '

'No, I know why I wanted to be short it's was so I could be in between breasts every time I hug a women but I've done that now! I want to be tall now but....huu.'

'I guess I'll be a sexy shotacan then. Cause the fact that I'm this good looking and plus I'm a baby, I'm probably gonna grow to be more handsome than I already am.'

"Young master, what do you think of your outfit." Miss Amber says. Bringing me back to reality.

"Huh, you already changed...me."

I look down and see that I'm wearing a purple outfit. I'm wearing a black dress shirt with blue buttons. A company by purple shorts with dark blue embroidery on them.

Observing my outfit I'm lost for words as I looking FUCK BEAUTIFUL. So beautiful, that I always want to wear black and purple.

"Miss Amber, I look absolutely amazing. I can't believe you pick such amazing clothes for me." I shout back with joy as I'm unable to contain my excitement.

"Thank you for the compliment, young master. Though you are giving too much praise. As you always look handsome in the royal colors." Miss Amber responds with a proud smile.

"Royal colors.... do you mean the black and purple?"

'I ask with confusion as I don't remember being in a royal family and Miss Amber a maid, doesn't even address me as your highness or prince.'

'Or am I reading to deep into this and she is talking about the shade of the color as I remember hearing on Earth something about royal Red and that royalty like using it.'

"Wait, young master Angus are you not aware that you are the last remaining male member of the elvish royal family. High Prince Angus Syltumal of the elvish royal family, rulers of Alfiem and kin of the everlasting tree Yggdrasil."
