Pouts are cute, huh.


'Okay damn, I'm a lot higher in status then I thought. I mean just from the fact that I have maids shows that I'm part of the silver or gold spooned young masters.

But a prince, I would have never expected that. But I do have the looks for one.'

"Well now that your happy with your appearance. Let's head towards the meeting area." Miss Amber says, as she stretchs her hand out towards me.

"Let us go then Miss Amber." I say as I grab Miss Amber hand.

After grabbing her hand I'm shocked at the soft sensation that greeted me.

The smooth skin, the relaxing warmth, it gives off a comfortable and cozy feeling. That I just don't want to let go of her hand.

Trapped in the comfortable of Miss Amber's hand.I forgot that ,I was actually going somewhere. That when I felt a pull from the thing providing that comfortable. I gripped harder, afraid that if I don't i it'll be gone forever.

Then I heard a voice." Young master what's wrong. Why aren't you coming along."

Hearing this voice brings me back to reality to realize that I'm clutching Miss Amber's hand and I'm not walking.

Having to think of an excuse quickly, I respond with.

" Nothing is wrong Miss Amber, I was just mesmerized by the softness of you skin and was think that it's quite lovely to touch."

"Ooh, that's nice of you, young master. But we can't afford any delays as I must mention something about this meeting. So let's continue walking I'll say it while we are walking."

Miss Amber responds with a shy smile while covering her mouth.

Indicating that my complement was affect. Score!

Now it's finally time to see the outside of my room. Yes I've been alive for three years and haven't left my room.

Now before you judge me, listen I've had a very eventful and boring life.

An example I have two smoking hot mom that are down to fuck,arg I mean have the devil's tango with me.

I have maids that comply with any scandalous request I make. An example only Miss Amber wears her uniform in the mansion or I mean the palace.

The other maids when they come into my room, come in the way, they came into the world.

Now let me tell you it's a different experience but that's enough positives. Let's cover the con of having such a exciting life.

I've had no desire to check what's outside my massive multipurpose room.

Since like I said my room has so many things that I've never had a reason to leave.

Also before you bring up the baby memories. I was mostly in the breast of my momma(Nathalie) and mamma(Fenmenor).

Thus there was no way in hell that I was going to leave that embrace to please save your judgements for now.

Let's explore the mansion, I mean palace together. Now who am I talking too,I'm talking to Anglia , stupid.


Walking out my room I'm filled with excitement of the unknown. Cause it's completely unknown to me.

Miss Amber opens the door and the first thing that greets me is an imitation of Yddrasil I assume,as they are made of what looks to be pearls of different kinds.This looks seems to repeat over and over the wall.

Looking up I see a hall that should be around 100 meters, I guess. The halls room is a semi-circle with exotic chandeliers.

The chandeliers used seem to also be inspired by Yddrasil.

As this chandelier is made of a material that looks to be made of wood that was colored silver or it might actually be silver, I don't know.

This chandelier holds what looks to be a-aaa-aa.....floating stones. That changes colors from blue to purple. This is really is Earth.

"Okay that enough looking young master. Let's head to the prince garden." Miss Amber says as she drags me as a comfortable pace.

As I might seem like I'm old but I'm still a baby that can't walk particularly fast.

"Thank you, Miss Amber for letting me look around, and take in the scene in front of me. I really appreciate that." I say as I stop walking and and bow my head towards Miss Amber.

"No no don't do that young master, that's bad you should bow your head so recklessly." Miss Amber says as she rushes to lift my body.

As I was doing the bow most Japanese individual would be familiar with as I respect there culture a lot. To the point where I've adopted certain aspects from them and add them into my daily life.

"I was just trying to show my appreciation for you do for me Miss Amber. Why can't I bow to you, is it something about me being royalty."

I ask frustrated that I can't simply express my gratitude to my benefactor.

"Yes , it's is entirely because you are royalty not just because your from the royal family but also because you are high Prince which means you are to inherit the throne after her majesty your aunt steps down." Miss Amber explains as she continues to drag me to this garden.

"Okay but....wait, my aunt is Queen?" I question back, as I realize that I made a crucial mistake.

A mistake so big that transmigrated and reincarnationed mcs would kill me if they found out. But I haven't really search my world.

As I was having too much fun doing naughty things with my mom's and the maids that I didn't really care what world I was in but that going to change.

As now I'm going to be researching after this meeting but this meeting could also be seen as me researching .

As I'll be interacting with the future of my nation.

Yes I'm doing a good job.

"Young master Angus, where you listen we are outside the your garden. Where the dukes children, young master Felix and her mistress Elizabeth of the Dukedom Qinrel " .

Miss Amber says as she trys to give information but I'm unsure of why I need to know this.

Finally before I walk towards the table in the horizon. Miss Amber says." You don't need to worry as rumors say that there are good kids so don't worry." Miss Amber stress.

Finally it dawns a pond me that Miss Amber might be worried about be me. Thats so cute, I should give her a reward. Oh yes I got one.

I lift my hands towards Miss Amber hopes she picks me up.

"What's wrong young mater do you want me to pick you up?". She asks and I nod my head.

Miss amber leans in to pick me as she does I hop and kiss her on the cheek this shock her and she freeze in an....very awkward position.

Miss Amber must have strong legs and core. As she is balancing herself in a position that I never knew you could balcane in.

But Miss Amber doesn't stay in her daze long and quickly recovers her cool and looks at me with a pout.

Seeing such a charming and motherly lady pout like a child towards me is just so cute ,that I run away while laughing and say." That's your present for always being there for me."

Running a few meters ahead. I noticed how exotic an unique my supposed garden is. As there are plants that have glowing blue on them. GLOWING BLUE????

But that's an exploration for another day. Ignore the fascinating floral around me I focus on the centre point of the garden there I see people who look to be guards around an area that looks to be a place to hold a tea party?

These guards are wearing dark brown and blue Armour. This Armour is similar to the ones you would see medieval times.

As the Armour looks to be fully plate mail. With detailed marks that visual present pass-bys with and overwhelming and powerful look that makes others wary of them.

Past these guards, sat a young boy looking to be around 8 years old. The boy has navy blue hair that is similar to the ocean at night.

The boys seems to be wearing some training outfit that I've only ever seen in games that give beginners starter packs.

Seated across from him is a girl from her height seems to be around 12 years old. She has her hair up in twin tails that seem similar to the flow of lava.

As her hair is shocking red that is contrast her cold face. She is gifted with black iris that seem to have a golden tint to them. She still has baby fat on her face. This shows that she is still hasn't started her adolescent yet.

But that's doesn't take away from her beauty, and since she is beautiful her brother should be handsome to some degree.

Well are a brief look I walk towards the guards.

One of them sees me and kneels and shouts."GREETINGS HIGH PRINCE ANGUS".

Then the rest follow suit and shout." GREETINGS HIGH PRINCE ANGUS".
