Realizing the Impossible

Wesley Barnes sat at his computer, an overwhelming sense of knowledge and power coursing through him after the information from the system had assimilated into his mind. Shaking his head to clear the lingering sense of awe, he quickly began to plan his next steps. "First, I need a warehouse for the AI server room, and then, the quantum computers... constructing parts will be a task in itself," he thought aloud, determination etched on his face.

He searched for a suitable warehouse near his downtown Dallas apartment, his eyes skimming through listings until one caught his attention – a spacious, well-located warehouse priced at 1.2 million dollars. "That's perfect," Wesley murmured, swiftly dialing the realtor to seal the deal.

Next on his agenda was setting up the server room. He called a nearby computer store, inquiring about the time frame for setting up a state-of-the-art server room. The conversation was brisk and business-like, ending with Wesley ordering a total of 34 rackmount servers equipped with the latest technology.

With the warehouse purchased and the server setup underway, Wesley's thoughts turned to the system. He opened the menu to check his KP balance, which had increased significantly.

KP: 123,400

The rise in KP was impressive. "Now, let's delve into these 'Wisps'," he said to himself, his curiosity piqued. The catalog was extensive, filled with abilities that seemed to blur the line between science and fantasy. The catalog below had a variety of Wisps:

Wisp Of Runes]

[Wisp of Fire]

[Wisp of Water]

[Wisp of Earth]

[Wisp of Air]

[Wisp of Darkness]

[Wisp of Light]

[Wisp of Time]


and the list went on. 

One in particular stood out to him – the [Wisp of Conversion], described as having the ability to transform any form of matter into another. 

Reading the details, Wesley's eyes widened. "Mana? These Wisps use mana?" he exclaimed. The realization that he was dealing with a power that seemed straight out of a fantasy game was both exhilarating and unnerving.

Determined to utilize this newfound ability, Wesley purchased the Wisp of Conversion for 120,000 KP. As the knowledge infused his mind, his brain underwent a radical transformation. Blue wisps of energy converged into the deepest parts of his brain, intertwining with his nervous system and spreading throughout his body. He could feel the instinct of this newfound power coursing through him, a sense of understanding how to harness it, though mastery was far off.

Eager to test his new ability, Wesley started with a small, innocuous object – a candle on his desk. Focusing on the wisp of Conversion, he envisioned the candle transforming into an apple. Slowly, the wax began to morph, its structure collapsing inward before reshaping into a spherical form. The candle's solid form liquefied, resembling a pool of molten wax, which then began to solidify and take on a different texture and color. In moments, the candle had transformed into a red apple, complete with a stem and a waxy sheen. Hesitantly, Wesley picked up the apple and bit into it, the crisp, sweet taste confirming the success of the transformation. "It's really an apple!" he laughed in disbelief.

Encouraged by this success, Wesley experimented further, transforming a pencil into a glass marble, a book into a flower vase, and even his old wristwatch into a small, intricate model of a spaceship. Each transformation left him more astounded and slightly more drained, as he felt the mana being consumed with each act.

Realizing the limitations of his mana, akin to physical stamina, Wesley decided to take a break. "I need to pace myself," he thought, turning his attention to the upcoming discussions with Unity and Meta Quest. Glancing at his phone, he saw emails confirming their interest in meeting with him.

As the time for the party approached, Wesley made a quick stop at the warehouse to check on the progress of the server room. The servers were being meticulously installed, the room slowly coming to life as a hub of technological power. Then he headed on his way to meet everyone at the bar. 

The atmosphere at bar was electric, the air filled with the buzz of conversation and laughter. The back of the bar had a large exclusive dining and gathering area, where Wesley's closest friends and family gathered to celebrate his monumental success with Epic Games.

Kohen, with his characteristic energy, was the first to raise a toast. "To Wesley, the man of the hour! Dude, you're going to revolutionize the tech world!"

Wesley grinned, raising his glass. "Thanks, man. And don't worry, tonight all drinks are on me!"

Ashlin, always the voice of reason in their group, smiled warmly at Wesley. "It's incredible, Wesley. Who would've thought our resident NERD would end up making a deal worth millions?"

Wesley laughed, "Trust me, neither did I. But hey, life is full of surprises!"

Andrew, Wesley's father, stood beside him, a proud smile on his face. "Bud, I always knew you were destined for great things. This is just the beginning."

Wesley felt a swell of gratitude towards his father. "Couldn't have done it without your guidance and wisdom, Dad."

Rylee, Wesley's sister, chimed in with her usual teasing tone. "Just don't forget us little people when you're famous, okay?"

"Never," Wesley replied, playfully ruffling her hair.

Rachel, Wesley's mother, joined the conversation with a gentle smile. "We're all so proud of you, Wesley. Your hard work and dedication have really paid off."

"It's been a wild ride, Mom. But I'm just getting started," Wesley assured her.

Keaton, leaning against the wall with his drink, raised his glass. "Here's to reaching for the stars, literally, in your case."

Wesley nodded, "To the stars and beyond, my friend." Continuing, "Thank you all for being hear! To my parents, mom, thank you for always showing love to me, even giving me counsel on relationships whether friend or love. 

To dad, thank you for your wisdom and teaching me how to be a man. You have been a role model for me to be a man of integrity and character and I will try my best to uphold those values. 

To Rylee, thank you for being my best friend throughout all of our moves and struggles. You have been a rock and an amazing sister.

To Kohen, thank you for being my best friend since the beginning of Elementary. Where our friendship was solidified over our love for fantasy and star wars! 

To keaton, you have been a loyal friend who I can share in my love for anime and other pop culture.

To Ashlin, you have been an unexpected friend in college, yet you have been one of my biggest supporters and people who I admire most. You continue to strive for your goals and go beyond your limit. Thank you!" Wesley losing his breath but in his eyes was nothing but care for his people.

As the night progressed, the conversations meandered from Wesley's recent achievements to future plans and dreams. Kohen and Keaton joked about how they needed to step up their game, Ashlin spoke about her latest health and fitness endeavors, and Rylee shared stories from college.

Andrew and Rachel reminisced about Wesley's childhood, filled with dreams of space and technology. "Remember when you used to build all those Star Wars legos and carry out battles?" Rachel laughed.

"Yeah, and look at me now. haha" Wesley replied, his eyes twinkling with excitement and ambition.

The party was more than just a celebration of Wesley's success; it was a testament to the bonds he shared with his loved ones. Amidst the laughter and shared memories, Wesley felt a deep sense of belonging and purpose.

The night drew to a close with promises of future gatherings and new adventures. As everyone started to leave, Wesley felt a sense of contentment and readiness for what lay ahead.