Chapter 12 Waiting for a Full Moon Night_1

Qin Sisi was nearly petrified. She stared at those two characters for a long while, and then slowly turned her head to stare at Xiao Hei. Only after a while did she manage to stutter out, "Xiao Hei, you... you... what on earth... "

She had many questions to ask, but she did not know how to phrase them.

Of course, she could feel that Xiao Hei was very smart and very special. However... in her eyes, it was just a cat! What was happening now was just too bizarre. Like anyone else around her, her education from childhood had been rooted in science and objectivity. Everything that was happening now, all the knowledge she had learned in the past couldn't explain it, and she couldn't accept it all at once.

Xiao Hei seemed to guess her thoughts. It blinked again, and the third sentence appeared: "I'll tell you on the night of August 15th."

August 15th? Mid-Autumn Festival? Qin Sisi thought for a bit. Mid-Autumn Festival was about a week away. Waiting a while wouldn't hurt. But why Mid-Autumn Festival and not now? Did this festival have special significance for Xiao Hei?

Qin Sisi looked at Xiao Hei with puzzlement, "Why August 15th?"

Xiao Hei paused before answering, "Only on a full moon night can I reveal my true form."

Qin Sisi's expression turned to shock and fear, the anxiety and fear in her eyes revealing themselves unconcealed.

Xiao Hei sighed inwardly. He too knew that all of this was hard for her to accept. He would need to be patient.

Xiao Hei blinked again, revealing the fourth sentence on the white paper: "I'll accompany you to work, and I've taken care of everything. If anyone asks, just deny knowing anything."

With this sentence revealed, Xiao Hei closed its eyes and lay down on the dining table. The magic energy it could use now was less than one percent of what it had before. It had already expended a lot last night, and it was really tired now.

Qin Sisi seemed to notice Xiao Hei's exhaustion and felt the concern in its words, her inner tension gradually softened. Images of their days spent together flashed through her mind, including the moment when Xiao Hei had courageously protected her last night.

Qin Sisi hesitated a bit, then slowly stretched out her hand and lightly stroked Xiao Hei's body as usual, whispering, "Xiao Hei, no matter what you are... I believe in you."

Her tone was soft yet firm. Xiao Hei slightly lifted its head, its eyes filled with relief, comfort, and a trace of confusion.

Really? No matter what I am, you're willing to believe in me? But, why?

Well, nevermind. We'll wait until August 15th.

Both Qin Sisi and Xiao Hei silently chose not to linger over these unsolvable questions any longer, both waiting for the important day to come.

Qin Sisi brought along a large shoulder bag, and carefully placed Xiao Hei inside. Even though she knew Xiao Hei was extraordinary, she still reminded it, "Remember, don't make any noise!"

Xiao Hei lazily closed its eyes, but inside, it was rolling its eyes—did it not understand something this simple!?

Qin Sisi arrived at the company, originally quite apprehensive, but seeing everything was normal and all the staff, except Xiao Liu, were at work getting on with their jobs, her heart gradually settled. Of course, everyone was talking about the party the previous night, but they mostly talked about Xiao Liu's "eventful" encounter in the bathroom, while no one mentioned Wang Ji'an.

However, what was meant to come did come. At around 4 in the afternoon, a person in charge of the company came over with two policemen.

The person in charge didn't say what the matter was, only that there were some inquiries needed from everyone by the police.

Then, the two policemen asked for a room and began questioning those who attended the party last night one by one.

Qin Sisi involuntarily tensed up and kept reminding herself to keep calm as she took deep breaths.

Lin Shan, who stood next to Qin Sisi, asked curiously, "What's the matter? It's not illegal to eat and sing songs, is it?"

Qin Sisi remained silent.

When a colleague who had been questioned came out, other colleagues quickly gathered around to ask what had happened. The colleague replied with a strange look: "I don't know what happened exactly. They just asked about stuff about Manager Wang and what we did last night..."

"Manager Wang? Did something happen to Manager Wang?"

"I don't know. The police didn't say, and I didn't dare to ask."


Everyone was discussing while Qin Sisi kept a poker face, but inside she was feeling uneasy. She had left with Xiao Hei when Wang Ji'an began being surrounded by a group of cats. What happened to him in the end? But... he couldn't have been killed, right? She had never heard of a cat killing a person before.

After a while, another colleague came out from the questioning room, and a young police officer followed him with a file and called Qin Sisi's name.

Qin Sisi answered, took a deep breath, and then walked over, following the police officer into the questioning room. Perhaps due to her preparedness, her confused emotions surprisingly calmed down when she stepped into the room.

"Please have a sit." The young police officer pointed at the sofa opposite them.

Qin Sisi sat down quietly, her back straight, staring at the two policemen.

There was an older one who had been sitting there. He looked like he was in his forties, with a square face and sharp features, appearing strict with a serious expression. The other one was the young police officer who called her into the room; he looked to be in his twenties. His eyes were not as sharp as the older one's, probably because he has not been a police officer for long.

Seeing Qin Sisi's nervousness, the older officer said, "Don't be nervous. We have just a few questions to ask. Answer truthfully."

Qin Sisi nodded, she had a vague idea about what they were about to ask.

As expected, their questions were about Wang Ji'an, his usual behaviors, as well as the specific details of what happened last night. Because Qin Sisi was the last person Wang Ji'an brought home, she was the last one to see him, so they questioned her quite carefully.

Qin Sisi firmly insisted that Wang Ji'an left after sending her to the building.

The two police officers exchanged a look, then the younger one continued to ask, "Do you know how to drive?"

Qin Sisi shook her head, "No."

"Do you have a cat at home?"

Qin Sisi's heart skipped a beat. Her first instinct was to deny it immediately, but upon further reflection, at least Lin Shan among her colleagues knew she had a cat. It wasn't assured Lin Shan wouldn't tell anyone else. Her denying it would only draw more suspicion.

Therefore, Qin Sisi answered calmly, "Yes, I have one."