Chapter 11 It's me_1

"Go home?" Qin Sisi was not a fool, having spent some time with Xiao Hei, it seemed like they were developing some sort of understanding. She quickly understood Xiao Hei's idea. The situation here was a bit like a "crime scene", it would be better if they leave sooner.

Qin Sisi followed Xiao Hei, and under the dim light, they both climbed the stairs to the sixth floor. Only after entering their apartment, Qin Sisi's panicky heart calmed down a bit.

Qin Sisi was very uneasy about the situation outside where a group of cats were attacking Wang Ji'an. She didn't know how the situation would unfold. She pricked up her ears and listened carefully to the outside noise. She initially thought she would hear at least a few cat meows, but strangely, it was silent outside, there was no sound of anything unusual.

Had all the cats left? What about Wang Ji'an? Was he out cold?

As Qin Sisi was speculating, a "meow" interrupted her thoughts.

Qin Sisi turned her head and saw Xiao Hei sitting by its side, unblinkingly staring at her. Next to it was its shiny clean food bowl.

Qin Sisi came back to reality. Oh, Xiao Hei... was hungry. She had eaten outside and had completely forgotten that Xiao Hei hadn't eaten yet.

Qin Sisi quickly went into the kitchen. Soup took too long to make. To feed Xiao Hei as quickly as possible, Qin Sisi cooked a bowl of noodles and fried an egg, then thought for a moment and fried an extra egg.

Over these days she'd more or less understood Xiao Hei's tastes. It can't be said that it was a finicky eater. Whatever she ate, it would also eat. However, it firmly refused to eat cat food.

Qin Sisi couldn't figure it out, so she simply didn't try to force her pet anymore and let Xiao Hei eat with her.

When Qin Sisi put the hot bowl of noodles and fried eggs in front of Xiao Hei, a light flashed in Xiao Hei's eyes. It wasn't particularly hungry, it had asked for food just to distract Qin Sisi's attention. But when it saw the food cooked by Qin Sisi herself its appetite was involuntarily aroused.

"Eat, my hero." Qin Sisi squatted in front of Xiao Hei, looking into its eyes with a certain complexity. It truly wasn't... like an ordinary pet.

Xiao Hei's ears quivered, didn't look at Qin Sisi and lowered its head, gobbling up the food.

Qin Sisi watched it for a while then suddenly blurted out, "Xiao Hei, are you really just a cat?" as if asking a question, yet also muttering to herself.

Xiao Hei continued eating without moving, appearing as if it didn't hear Qin Sisi speak.

Qin Sisi forced out a laugh and slightly shook her head. Maybe she was letting her imagination run wild.

The night was still. Qin Sisi lay awake on her small, single bed with no trace of sleepiness.

The events of tonight were truly absurd, she was startled by Wang Ji'an and shocked by Xiao Hei. Especially Xiao Hei, it actually had the ability to command a group of cats, could there be some secret about it?

With the feeling of uncertainty and unease intensifying, Qin Sisi couldn't help but glance at Xiao Hei and just happened to meet its purple gaze.

"Xiao Hei..." Qin Sisi mumbled softly, her eyes started to become blurry, and then she closed them and fell into a deep sleep.

Xiao Hei sighed inwardly at the state of Qin Sisi. After such a big incident and realising that her pet was so different, she had trouble falling asleep. But there were some things that it needed to do immediately and couldn't let her know yet. It had no choice but to use some of its spiritual power.

Seeing Qin Sisi had fallen asleep, Xiao Hei silently got up. Its purple eyes looked even more enchanting and commanding in the darkness. For it, the night was as good as daytime.

It glanced at Qin Sisi's wrist, where the mahogany bracelet was properly worn. Feeling relieved, it leapt onto the windowsill, opened the window, and jumped out.

The Wang Ji'an situation still needed some cleanup. They couldn't let his body and car stay here, otherwise, it would cause trouble for Qin Sisi.

One hour later, Xiao Hei returned. Just as it was about to jump back onto the bed, it suddenly became tense. Qin Sisi... was crying again...

The night it first came, Qin Sisi had cried in her sleep in the same way. It didn't know if she was grieving or scared. So it found a Mahogany bracelet to give her as a result of which the ghost spirits near her couldn't approach her. It would accompany her to sleep every night, giving her a feeling of safety with its small body.

In recent days, she no longer cried at night, but that evening, it saw her tears again.

Even though it had punished Wang Ji'an, she was still frightened as a result. Although she had been trying to stay calm, it can feel that she was really scared, a kind of fear she deliberately suppressed deep in her heart and refused to express.

Xiao Hei raised its head and looked at the moon that hadn't quite fully risen outside the window, quietly walked to Qin Sisi's side, lowered its head and gently licked her eyes and cheeks with its soft tongue, making her face free of tears.

Its soft claws gently touched the strangulation marks on Qin Sisi's neck left by Wang Ji'an. The deep red mark gradually faded with Xiao Hei's touch and finally disappeared.

Don't be afraid, my girl, I'm here so there's nothing to be afraid of.

When she woke up in the morning, a warm ray of sunlight timidly creeped in through the curtains. It was a bright sunny day, and the despair and horror of last night felt like a dream in the bright sunshine.

Qin Sisi looked at Xiao Hei, which had curled into a ball right in front of her, and a smile twitched at the corner of her lips. She reached out her hand and lightly stroked Xiao Hei's shiny black fur, softly calling out: "Good morning, Xiao Hei."

Xiao Hei lifted its head and meowed back in response to her greeting.

A warm smile appeared on Qin Sisi's face, but images of the previous night's terrifying scene quickly invaded her mind, casting a deep shadow of worry and hurt in her eyes.

What happened to Wang Ji'an? What will happen today?

Qin Sisi sighed, put on her shoes, and prepared to wash up. As she was passing the dining table, she noticed a piece of paper spread out on it. She paused curiously to take a closer look, only to freeze in place. On the paper was the sentence:

"Relax, there won't be any problems. Just prepare yourself to face the police."

The handwriting was in black ink, it was unclear whether it was handwritten or printed. The handwriting was bold and forceful, quite attractive if it was handwritten.

But right now, Qin Sisi wasn't in the mood to care about how beautiful the handwriting was, her body trembling slightly.

Where did this note come from? Except for her and Wang Ji'an, there was nobody else present last night. Even if there was someone else, why would they deliberately leave a note to inform her? Additionally, did this mean that someone had entered her room unperceived while she was asleep last night?

Qin Sisi was feeling utterly chaotic, she simply could not think straight.

At that moment, Xiao Hei walked over steadily, gracefully leaped onto the dining table, meowed softly at Qin Sisi and then lowered its head to look at the note. It blinked and faint purple light shone from its eyes landing on the piece of paper. Immediately, two more words appeared under the sentence already on the paper — "It's me".