Chapter 10: Hero Saves the Beauty_1

Wang Ji'an was half-dragging Qin Sisi into the stairwell when a sudden shadow flashed in his sight, followed by a sharp pain paraidily spreading across his face. Wang Ji'an grimaced in agony, stumbling back a few steps and consequently releasing his hold on Qin Sisi.

Qin Sisi, now freed, was also frightened into backing up. She leaned against the wall, clutching her throat, and couldn't stop coughing. Her face was as pale as a sheet.

Wang Ji'an removed his hand from his face only to find it smeared with a dark red hue of his own blood; his face had clearly been wounded. Filled with anger, Wang Ji'an hollered, "Who's there? Show yourself!"

After a few seconds, a magnificent black cat emerged silently, with a noble elegance. It stood with a proud posture in front of Qin Sisi, shielding her with its body. Its pair of purple eyes coldly stared at Wang Ji'an.

This sight infuriated Wang Ji'an to the point where his scalp felt numb. He spat out, "It's you again, you damn worthless cat!" Looking around, he quickly grabbed the broom used for cleaning from a corner of the stairwell and swung it towards Xiao Hei.

Fearful for the cat, Qin Sisi cried out in alarm, "Xiao Hei, be careful!"

With a hint of mockery flashing in its eyes, Xiao Hei let out a low 'meow' and, in an instant, lunged towards Wang Ji'an's wrist, biting it fiercely.

Feeling the pain, Wang Ji'an dropped the broom. As he looked at the fierce purplish bite mark on his wrist and the gradually oozing blood, an obscure thread of fear began to unfurl inside him. When he glanced up, the bewitching black cat was slowly prowling towards him again.

Despite his reluctance, Wang Ji'an had to admit that he was no match for the cat. He figured that if he couldn't get Qin Sisi at the moment, why would he debase himself by persisting with this futile scuffle with the cat? Anyway, Qin Sisi was his employee - she might escape the monk, but she couldn't escape the temple. Sooner or later, there would be a chance to win her over.

Having decided this, Wang Ji'an gradually retreated.

Noticing Wang Ji'an's retreat, Xiao Hei paused but continued to stare at him with its mysterious and unfathomable purple eyes.

Wang Ji'an couldn't help shivering. He couldn't quite put a finger on it, but even though the cat was motionless, he could feel a palpable murderous aura emanating from it.

Without wasting another moment, Wang Ji'an turned and sprinted toward his car. As long as he got inside it, he would be safe. Regardless of how fierce that cat was, could it really break the car's glass or outrun a vehicle?

Yet, Wang Ji'an had ultimately underestimated Xiao Hei.

Just when there were only two or three more steps separating Wang Ji'an from his car, Xiao Hei leaped onto the stairwell entrance in a graceful arc and let out a magnificent meow in his direction.

Wang Ji'an naturally heard the cat's cry; he couldn't stop his body from shuddering. He quickly stretched out his hand towards the car door handle, only to feel a sudden sharp pain on the top of his head.

In a state of panic, Wang Ji'an flung his head about while bringing up both his hands to protect his scalp. Just then, a yellow cat jumped down from his head. It was this cat that had scratched and clung onto his hair merely moments ago.

He was now terrified of cats. In his hurry to escape, Wang Ji'an paid no attention to this yellow cat's mischief and tried to open the car's door once again. But another cat, this one white, lunged forward and left a deep scratch on the back of his hand, turning the pale skin raw and bloody.

The wounds that Xiao Hei had inflicted on Wang Ji'an only a day ago had hardly healed, and now, the injuries in the same places had reemerged.

Beside himself in rage and frustration, Wang Ji'an lashed out to kick the white cat who had just scratched him, but the agile creature managed to artfully evade the attack. Landing safely, the white cat turned back to sheepishly meow at Wang Ji'an, as though mocking him.

Furious, Wang Ji'an lunged forward but then quickly stopped. He slowly retreated until his back was against the car door. His eyes wide, he watched the incredible scene unfolding before him. Cold sweat streamed down his face, and dread engulfed him like an all-consuming darkness

Emerging from all directions and closing in on him silently were cats - black, white, yellow, and striped. Their round eyes glowed eerily in the darkness, reminiscent of the Messengers of Death.

Leaning against the car door, Wang Ji'an's legs began to tremble. He wanted to run, but there were cats everywhere. There was nowhere to escape.


Xiao Hei's cry rang out again. It wasn't as loud as before but it was chilling and full of killing intent.

Much later, when Qin Sisi learned of Xiao Hei's identity, looking back at this night's events, she could faintly guess the meaning behind Xiao Hei's cries.

The first cry, high and loud, probably meant: "Assemble".

The second cry was likely: "Kill".

As the sound faded, about a dozen cats launched into the air nearly simultaneously, lunging towards Wang Ji'an. In the next second, the group of cats had swarmed over him, tearing, scratching, biting, and gnawing.

The combination of searing pain and terror made Wang Ji'an scream out in agony. Xiao Hei fixed its gaze on him and, at the moment when his mouth was wide open, it blinked, emitting a faint purple light from its eyes. The light shot right into Wang Ji'an's open mouth. Then, all that was left on his face was an expression of excruciating pain but, oddly, there wasn't any sound.

Qin Sisi seemed to be petrified, staring blankly at the unfolding scene.

Knowing that Wang Ji'an could not escape anymore, Xiao Hei elegantly turned around and approached Qin Sisi, gently tugging at her skirt.

Regaining her senses, Qin Sisi gave Xiao Hei a puzzled look. She wasn't sure if it was just her imagination, but she thought she saw concern in Xiao Hei's purple eyes.

In the midst of her emotional turmoil, the sight of Wang Ji'an being attacked by the cats was too gruesome to witness. However, when she recalled his shameful and awful attempts to violate her, Qin Sisi found that she harbored no sympathy for him.

In contrast, as she faced the concerned gaze from Xiao Hei, Qin Sisi felt warmth flooding her survival-stricken heart. It seemed to her that Xiao Hei was like a small protector deity. She reached out to pull Xiao Hei into her arms, gently caressed his soft fur with her cheek, and whispered, "Xiao Hei, thank you."

Xiao Hei lay motionless in her arms for a while. After a brief moment, it turned its head and gave Qin Sisi's delicate pallid neck a light lick. Then, it caught sight of the handprint Wang Ji'an had left on her throat, causing its eyes to narrow and an icy rage to swell within it...

Feeling Qin Sisi shudder, Xiao Hei wriggled out of her arms and jumped onto the ground. It meowed at her and then began to head towards the stairs. After taking a few steps, it looked back at her and softly meowed again.