Chapter 36: Blue Handsome Ghost Immortal _1

About a quarter of an hour later, the entire bundle of yellow paper had turned to ashes, with only a few stray sparks flickering on and off.

Suddenly, a cloud of black fog surged out from the floor beneath the ashes, shooting straight up to the ceiling to form a terrifying shape and let out a fierce roar.

"Ah!" Sisi Qin instinctively stepped back in fright, while Ye You quickly stepped forward, placing himself in front of her for protection.

"Hahaha ..."

The black fog abruptly burst into unbridled laughter and then began to gradually spin and shrink, eventually taking on a human shape with an increasingly clear face and limbs.

This was a blue person, no, a blue ghost, with icy blue skin, dark blue hair, a sky-blue hooded sweatshirt, and cobalt blue sneakers. Despite the eeriness of his blue skin, his features were well-proportioned, angular, and his eyes were spirited, sparking brilliantly with every blink.