Chapter 37, Wealthy Ghost Immortal_1

Qin Sisi asked with partial understanding, "Can ghost immortals be summoned by burning yellow paper?"

Ye You shook his head and said, "Burning yellow paper alone can only summon ordinary ghosts at most. I added some spiritual power, and the higher-ranking ghost immortals will be attracted by the spiritual power and respond to the summon."

It turns out that the silver-glowing powder added in the burning process served this purpose. Qin Sisi nodded thoughtfully and asked again, "Ordinary ghosts cannot hear you speak, but ghost immortals can, right?"

Indeed a keen-minded woman! Ye You looked at Qin Sisi admiringly and said, "Yes, the spiritual power of the ghost immortals is stronger, and they can communicate with me."

Qin Sisi continued to probe, "Was the Master Hong Bo from last time also a ghost immortal?"

Ye You nodded, "Yes, but Master Hong Bo has been cultivating for thousands of years while Lan Di has only about ten to fifteen years of Yin life."