Chapter 76 A Name That Can Fill The Stomach_1

Qin Sisi asked gently, "Little ghost, what is your name?"

The young man glared at Qin Sisi and said angrily, "Why are you asking so many questions? If you want to destroy me, just go ahead."

Qin Sisi asked curiously, "Why would I want to destroy you?"

The young man jutted his chin out and replied, "Since you can see me, you must be a mage, right? Mages get rid of ghosts of course, two mages have already come to try and failed. I didn't expect to be caught by you today."

The young man seemed very unhappy.

According to what the young man was insinuating, abnormal incidents must have been detected at this restaurant. Mages had been invited to exorcise the ghosts, but they had failed, allowing the young man to escape.

Qin Sisi could tell that the young man, while skinny, was very witty. If not for Ye You's quick reaction earlier, they might have lost him.

Qin Sisi patted his shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I'm not a mage, and I'm not here to destroy you."