Chapter 75: Retribution At Last_1

However, Ye You simply sighed and said, "Go sleep."

Ye You's voice was gentle. After he finished speaking, he stretched his neck to gently kiss Qin Sisi's forehead, then hopped onto the bed, curled up at the farthest corner, lay down, and closed his eyes. He knew that if he didn't sleep, Qin Sisi would never be able to sleep in peace.

Qin Sisi's cheeks turned a faint red. She touched her forehead and fluttered her sparkling eyes a couple of times, cracking a shy smile on her lips.

Later on, Qin Sisi went to the bathroom to change into her pajamas, walked to the bed, and lay down. Since capturing the ghost required her to be energetic at night, she needed to rest well during the day.

After Qin Sisi fell asleep, Ye You opened his eyes. Qin Sisi, deep in slumber, had her eyes closed. Her long lashes peeked slightly upwards, and her full, red lips resembled fresh petals under the spring sun. Her clean, simple appearance was like a shy bud, waiting to bloom in early spring.