Chapter 100: Past and Present Life_1

Under the not-so-bright light of the Ziwei Heaven Fire, the furnishings of the room could be seen to be fairly simple. On a single bed, a person was deep in sleep, his breathing steady yet slightly heavy.

With a wave of Ye You's claw, he released Mrs. Wang Luo's ghost.

Qin Sisi whispered to her, "He's the one. Go have a look."

Mrs. Wang Luo, grief-stricken, clasped her hands together and slowly walked towards the bed.

The face from a thousand years ago had flashed through her mind countless times. He was a young and robust man when they parted - life carried on, they aged, and now one was a pile of bones, the other white-haired and frail.

The old man on the bed, well past his prime, was thin, his face marked by relentless years. His eyes were slightly closed, revealing a sense of desolation and loneliness.

Tears streamed down Mrs. Wang Luo's face. She reached out a trembling hand, intending to caress Wang Longhe's aged cheek, but stopped when she almost made contact.