Chapter 101 Money Can Make the Ghost Grind - 1

Feeling the intensely cold aura emanating from the man in black, Qin Sisi couldn't help but take a step back in surprise.

Ye You blinked his purple eyes and whispered into her ear, "This is the Messenger of Death."

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't afraid," Qin Sisi asked worriedly in a low voice, "Can you defeat him?"

Ye You replied, "I can, but it's better not to fight. We still have many ghosts to find. If we offend the Messenger of Death, it may cause unnecessary trouble."

Qin Sisi nodded, mustered up the courage to walk forward a step, and loudly addressed the Messenger of Death, "Lord Ghost, may we have this soul?"

The man in the black cloak tilted his head in Qin Sisi's direction. Qin Sisi couldn't see his face; it was completely shadowed under the wide brim of his hat. But she could feel him watching her.

After a minute, the Messenger of Death turned his head back as if he hadn't heard Qin Sisi. He continued addressing Wang Longhe, "Wang Longhe, it's time to go."