Chapter 124: Ning Hao's Concern_1

Facing Ning Hao's kindness, Qin Sisi quickly clarified, "No, no, no, the real estate agent didn't deceive me. They told me about this situation."

Ning Hao frowned and continued, "It's not just that incident. Everyone says that in that house..."

Ning Hao didn't finish his sentence. As a law enforcement officer, he was somewhat hesitant to say the word "haunted," and moreover, he didn't believe in it at all.

Qin Sisi chuckled casually, "You're talking about the house being haunted, right?"

Ning Hao stared at Qin Sisi in surprise, "You knew? And you still dared to rent it?"

Qin Sisi blinked, looking straight at Ning Hao, "Do you believe in ghosts?"

Ning Hao hesitated for a moment, then responded: "I don't."

This answer was exactly what Qin Sisi had expected. She continued in the same vein, "Same with me, I also don't."

"But…" Ning Hao stared blankly into Qin Sisi's clear eyes, not quite sure what to say. He decided to change the topic, "When did you move in?"