Chapter 123 Lin Shan's Date_1

Upon hearing Wang Haolong's reminder, Liu Xiaotian nodded silently, then glanced at Qin Sisi, her eyes complex and hard to read.

The two of them slowly retreated, their forms gradually morphing into tiny specks of light. These specks flickered a few times before extinguishing and disappearing completely into thin air.

Peace was restored in the room. Qin Sisi heaved a sigh of relief, glancing at the time to see it was four in the morning.

At this point, Ye You swiftly moved its paw, placing talisman papers adorned with peculiar symbols at the four corners of the room — east, south, west, and north.

Qin Sisi curiously asked, "What are you doing?"

Ye You replied, "You've shown them your cards. I fear that they won't be willing to surrender their Soul Power and might try to run."

After contemplating briefly, Qin Sisi asked, "So, these talisman papers are to prevent them from escaping?"