Chapter 129: Advancing through Retreat_1

Ning Hao had been following Qin Sisi closely, watching the development of the situation. Seeing the bald man try to act like a ruffian, he intervened immediately. Luckily, he was dressed in casual clothes, which wouldn't cause trouble for his professional image.

Wu Cheng, seeing his associate at a disadvantage, was filled with rage and humiliation. Pointing at Qin Sisi and Boss Zheng, he cursed, "You two scammers! Not only did you scam me out of my money, you even resort to violence! Is there no justice in this world?"

"Exactly, return our money you swindlers!"

"And cover the bald brother's medical expenses."


Ning Hao extended his arms to protect Qin Sisi and Boss Zheng behind him. Ye You nestled quietly in Qin Sisi's arms, her violet eyes perceptive and cold, imprinting the faces of the abusive crowd in her mind.

Boss Zheng was upset. This was happening in his shop, if a fight broke out, it would be impossible to continue doing business in the future.