Chapter 130: Give an Inch, Take a Mile_1

Therefore, even though he had no idea what Qin Sisi was up to, Boss Zheng decided to trust her this time.

Boss Zheng gave Qin Sisi a slight nod, then turned to walk towards the shelves. He took out a small key, unlocked the counter, grabbed the Blue and White Porcelain that was in a box, and handed it over to Qin Sisi.

Qin Sisi took the Blue and White Porcelain, but instead of directly handing it over to Wu Cheng, she passed it to the nearest police officer.

The officer hesitated before accepting it. He glanced at Ning Hao and asked Qin Sisi, "Are you sure about this?"

Qin Sisi smiled and replied loudly, "I've thought it through. Neither Ju Ya Zhai nor I care about this amount of money. If Mr. Wu values it so much, let him have it."

Her words were gentle and unselfish, but the implication was profound.