Chapter 131: The Police's Reasoning_1

Seeing the tension, Wu Cheng stepped forward and slapped the bald man's head, scolding, "Who pushed you? Everyone was so far away from you, how could they have pushed you? Such a big man and you can't even walk properly, hurry up and leave!"

A few people helped the bald man up and followed Wu Cheng as they quickly left. A few low chuckles could be heard from the crowd.

Taking advantage of the crowd outside who were still watching the commotion, Qin Sisi deliberately said loudly, "Boss Zheng, you need to be more careful when choosing your friends in the future."

Knowing what Qin Sisi meant, Boss Zheng also responded loudly, "Ah, indeed, one needs to be more careful when making friends."

As the crowd gradually dispersed, these words naturally fell into some people's ears. Over time, they would circulate among gossipers, resulting in public opinion no longer being solely in Wu Cheng's favor. This would significantly reduce the negative impact on Ju Ya Zhai tea house.