Chapter 177: The Cat That Knows Magic_1

The moment the shadow disappeared at the well's mouth, the well cover dropped back under the force of gravity and landed precisely over the well mouth. The surface of the earth returned to normal as if nothing had happened.

Below the well cover, a cluster of purple flames lit up the darkness, dispelling the all-consuming blackness.

Ye You perched steadily on Qin Sisi's shoulder, extending a claw and using the light from the Ziwei Heaven Fire to illuminate the surroundings.

The well was roughly three meters deep. Its well wall was constructed out of red bricks and cement. Because it was underground for so long with water flowing inside, the wall was damp.

In the confined sewage well reeking of foul odors, Qin Sisi covered her nose, scarcely able to breathe.

On both sides were sewage pipes over a meter in diameter. The farther downward they went, the thicker the stench became, and about twenty to thirty centimeters above the ground was filthy mire.