Chapter 178: The Little Boy Waiting for His Mother_1

Lele, what a lovely name. His parents must have wanted him to have a peaceful and happy life. Yet who could have ever imagined that this darling child would end up being a lost ghost in a filthy sewer?

Qin Sisi sighed quietly and continued to ask, "Lele, it's so dark in here, why did you come here?"

Lele pouted with a look of distress and said softly, "I don't know how I got here. All I remember is that it was raining heavily that day, there was water everywhere on the ground. I was having so much fun splashing in it, but suddenly the floor gave way beneath me, I can't remember anything else. Next thing I knew, I was here."

From his explanation, it seemed like he must have accidentally fallen into the sewer after a rainstorm had dislodged the manhole cover.

Qin Sisi pondered before asking with concern, "Weren't your parents with you?"