Chapter 214 Hypnotic Song_1

Qin Sisi's Wings of Rainbow were too huge and dazzling. If not for the concealment of the Invisible Bubble, those nearby could easily spot the large, vibrantly colored wings. Even Qin Sisi's face could perhaps be discerned under the radiant light of the Wings of Rainbow.

However, the situation for Ye You was different. His body was much smaller with equally small wings that were a faint black and semi-transparent, without any radiance.

Furthermore, Ye You's body was inherently black, making his flight in mid-air hard to detect. Even standing up close, Qin Sisi could only make out a vague outline.

Qin Sisi, with her head raised and her eyes filled with a touch of longing, watched as Ye You circled upwards, then followed a streamlined path back to her. The entire process was as smooth as the flow of wind and current, without any hiccups.

Returning to Qin Sisi, Ye You shook his head and said, "No library, we'll move on to the next building."