Chapter 215: Thrilling Turnaround_1

In desperation, Qin Sisi bit her tongue hard, hoping the pain would help her remain alert.

Under the stimulation of pain, Qin Sisi's vision did indeed become clearer, and her gaze briefly caught a few pieces of scrap paper in the wastebasket in the corner.

A spark of inspiration emerged in her mind. Ignoring her unfocused state, she channelled her magic power, silently recited a spell, and her hand directed towards the trash can. She shouted, "Fire magic, ignite!"

With a small "puff", the few pieces of waste paper inside the dustbin were set on fire, with red and yellow flames flickering.

Qin Sisi took a step forward and kicked the burning dustbin towards the ghost.

The ghost had initially thought that Qin Sisi didn't know any spells. Upon seeing her ability to kindle fire from afar, it was startled. It dodged away abruptly, evading the flaming bin and its ghostly song interrupted for a moment.