Chapter 216: Confronting the Leader_1

Qin Sisi suddenly thought of something, immediately asked Ye You for a Revealing Soul Pill, quickly walked to Ning Hao, and fed the pill into Ning Yue's mouth.

Just as Ning Yue swallowed the Revealing Soul Pill, the bathroom door was pushed open, and three men carrying flashlights walked in.

The one leading was in his forties, wearing glasses, scholarly but with a stern expression. The two younger men following him included one wearing a tracksuit, who looked like a physical education teacher, and the other was the security guard who had attempted to stop Qin Sisi and her companions from entering the school.

Seeing that the bathroom light was on, the three men put down their flashlights, but didn't turn them off.

The man in the lead, who appeared to be the boss, sternly surveyed Qin Sisi and her companions and asked harshly, "Who are you all? Why do you come into our school in the middle of the night?"