Chapter 91: _1


Suddenly, hurried footsteps echoed from outside the door.

Accompanied by a familiar low call, Lu Zhanbei recognized the voice instantly. A momentary flash of ruthlessness, almost imperceptible, passed over his icy handsome visage.

His eyes darkened, his whole being radiated with murderous intent...

Again, that damn bastard! It seemed the lesson from last time wasn't enough and he was once again attempting to take advantage of Qianqian in his absence.

If he hadn't returned to the country early due to urgent matters, if he hadn't been too tired and decided to rest for a few hours here, he couldn't imagine the dreadful consequences if Gu Qianqian, in her current state, were to fall into Fu Jingchen's hands.

The thought of it made his arm tense, his veins stood out prominently.

He swallowed, his throat tight, his lips pursed in slenderness, his complexion fierce.