Chapter 90:......_1

Word by word, sound by sound...

Like a raging river, gushing out from the bottom of Lu Zhanbei's heart with an irresistible force.

It was so piercing that Lu Zhanbei almost wavered.

Taking a deep breath, he slapped her face harshly.

"Qianqian, wake up, I am Lu Zhanbei..."

"Lu Zhanbei, uh huh! Uh huh uh huh uh huh..."

The little damsel was so dazed she didn't know where she was at all, but she could hear Lu Zhanbei's voice.

So, she nodded foolishly, nodding and grinning as she did.

"Don't move!"

Seeing her not waking, he increased his strength slapped her face again, her little mouth wobbled from the hit, but she whimpered sadly, "Don't... don't hit me..."

How could she possibly make out his words now when she was completely floating?

She only knew that she was safe when Lu Zhanbei was by her side, she was at ease when Lu Zhanbei was with her.

So, once she relaxed, she loosened all her nerves.

Lu Zhanbei was tall, at least about 188 cm.