Chapter 9 'Husband'_1

Xia Yunsheng smirked contentedly before walking away from Han Fei'er. She then heard Fei'er, almost trembling with rage, trying to stop her, "Xia Yunsheng."

"Yes?" Xia Yunsheng asked, appearing calm and unruffled.

A furious Han Fei'er burst out, "Nothing but jealousy led you to try to split me and Instructor Ling! You're now Cheng Yanzhi's wife, but does he know you still like Instructor Ling?"

"..." Xia Yunsheng was taken aback, feeling a cold sensation creeping up her neck. She turned around and sure enough, Cheng Yanzhi appeared!

She expected his demeanor to be as indifferent as it was upstairs, but to her surprise, he put his arm around her shoulder affectionately, asking, "What were you two talking about?"

Because of Han Ningyan, Cheng Yanzhi had always treated Han Fei'er as his little sister. Following this habit, Fei'er greeted Cheng Yanzhi in her playfully cute manner, "Brother Yanzhi."

"Fei'er is here." Cheng Yanzhi glanced at Han Fei'er before turning his gaze to Xia Yunsheng, "You two seemed to be having quite a lively chat earlier. Should I join in too?"

Just as Han Fei'er was about to seize this opportunity to plot against Xia Yunsheng, Xia Yunsheng pre-emptively responded, "She asked if you knew my affection lies not with you, but with Instructor Ling."

Words that should not be divulged to Cheng Yanzhi were spoken by Xia Yunsheng without the slightest hesitation.

Cheng Yanzhi turned his gaze back to the woman beside him. He had just warned her upstairs and yet, she still dared to test his patience.

Did she not take him seriously at all?

Xia Yunsheng felt his grip on her shoulder tighten in pain. Of course, she hadn't forgotten his earlier warning!

This man's possessiveness was bordering on insanity!

There was no love between them, and yet he insisted on her loyalty?

Fortunately, Xia Yunsheng knew better than to cross her own line. Having just shown off in front of Fei'er, she couldn't lose face now!

Looking up at Cheng Yanzhi, she displayed a flattering smile that even she found nauseating, "My dear husband, she's slandering me. This is as good as disrespecting you. Are you really going to let this slide?"

She brazenly incited Cheng Yanzhi to discipline Fei'er. Yet, that endearing term "husband" was surprisingly satisfying for Cheng Yanzhi.

Their first time together, Xia Yunsheng was forced.

Their engagement, Xia Yunsheng was coerced.

Even their marriage was not her decision; she was outmaneuvered by him.

Xia Yunsheng never acknowledged their relationship, but just now, she had addressed him so!

He found himself amusing, as her antics, from last night to this moment, had merely infuriated him. Yet now, in an instant, she had completely blown away his anger, and he found himself siding with her.

Because of Han Ningyan, Han Fei'er had always enjoyed a good standing with Cheng Yanzhi. Believing that Cheng Yanzhi would trust her more, she hurriedly defended herself, "Brother Yanzhi, I'm not slandering her! She admitted it herself! She is a vain and hypocritical woman who only married you to become Mrs. Cheng. She doesn't truly care for you, unlike my sister who loves you wholeheartedly."

To give herself an edge, she deliberately brought up Han Ningyan.

Listening to Fei'er's foolish explanation, Xia Yunsheng just smirked.

She knew that Cheng Yanzhi, who had no interest in her, wouldn't care who she liked.

At this time, the only thing he would care about was his own reputation and face!