Chapter 10: Sleeping at Her Place_1

Cheng Yanzhi stared coldly at Han Fei'er, "Che is my brother, Sheng is my wife, Fei'er, what do you mean by saying all these?"

Han Fei'er, realizing her mistake from his cold and emotionless gaze, regretted her words even though they were true, it was not the right time to be said.

"Yanzhi, I…"

Han Fei'er tried to explain, but it was too late for remorse.

Cheng Yanzhi coldly said, "Would you prefer to leave on your own, or do I have to force you out?"

She was deeply wronged, "Brother Yanzhi..."

"Hmm?" Whenever Cheng Yanzhi was angry, he looked even more calm, making one not dare to defy him.

Han Fei'er, seeing that explanation was futile, glared at Xia Yunsheng – Xia Yunsheng had a deep scheme, using this method to deal with her!

Biting her lip in anger, she thought how before Xia Yunsheng appeared, Cheng Yanzhi only pandered to her, but now things have completely changed.

"What has happened?" Han Ningyan approached them after noticing the commotion.

"Sister." Han Fei'er immediately called for help.

"What did Fei'er do to upset you, Yanzhi?" Han Ningyan has always doted on her sister, and due to this, Cheng Yanzhi had always indulged her as well.

Seeing Han Ningyan, Cheng Yanzhi remained unmoved, "Please take good care of your sister!"

Usually he would respect Han Ningyan, but his anger today included her as well.

Xia Yunsheng was somewhat surprised.

Secretary Song came and directly asked Han Fei'er to leave. Not daring to speak up anymore, Han Ningyan also left.

After the matter was resolved, Xia Yunsheng stayed by Cheng Yanzhi's side, looking at this unperturbed man, "Aren't you afraid of making Han Ningyan angry?"

"What does it have to do with you?" He held Xia Yunsheng's hand. In his heart, he had always favored her, if she did not always annoy him…

Xia Yunsheng was already used to acting like a loving couple with him in public. So she did not push him away.

Remembering Cheng Yanzhi's indifference towards Han Ningyan earlier, she was puzzled, "I can't figure out what you're thinking."

Was he feigning indifference to stop others from figuring out his real intentions?

As there were many guests that evening, it was very late when they had all left.

Xia Yunsheng found it even more tiring than spending a day in the military camp, so she retired to her room early.

Shortly after, Cheng Yanzhi came back. He was slightly drunk after having some wine and sat on the sofa after entering the room.

Xia Yunsheng came out of the bath and saw him sitting there.

Without the stern appearance, he looked more relaxed after drinking.

"It's late, I'm going to rest now." Xia Yunsheng reminded him.

The banquet had concluded, and wasn't he supposed to go back to his girlfriend's side after she went to sleep?

Cheng Yanzhi glanced at her with light tenderness in his voice, "Get some rest, then."

"I can't sleep if you're here!" Cheng Yanzhi never spent the night here, even under last night's circumstances, he was the one who left.

"I'm sleeping here tonight."

"Huh?" What did he mean by that? Xia Yunsheng said, "Are you suggesting that I should sleep in another room? That's not fair! Although I can sleep anywhere, I'm used to living in this room."

Cheng Yanzhi stared at her, feeling frustrated, "The bed is big enough, we can sleep together!"

They were already married!

And she still wanted to drive him away?

Xia Yunsheng recalled last night's incident, retreated a step back and covered her pajamas, "No, I'll better go sleep in another room!"

Losing his patience and seeing her about to leave, Cheng Yanzhi held her back and the two tumbled onto the bed.