Chapter 42 Xia Yunsheng, You've Gone Too Far_1

"Bully?" It seemed he completely believed Han Fei'er's words, refusing to listen to her explanation. Xia Yunsheng had no patience to clarify. "I'm going to bully her! I'll not only bully her but also speak ill of her in front of Grandfather!"

Ling Xiling was stunned by her provocative words. "Xia Yunsheng, I didn't expect this from you!"

"It must be that you were blind before, mistaking me for a good person!"

"You've really changed!" Ling Xiche looked at her coldly, his eyes full of dislike. "I warn you, stop bothering Fei'er, or else..."

"Or else what? Are you going to hit me for her?"

Ling Xiche was infuriated by her and abruptly left.

Xia Yunsheng, watching his retreating figure, didn't cry unexpectedly but laughed instead.

It was really ridiculous, wasn't it?

She actually liked him for over a decade!

Thinking about it, she could hardly believe it herself.

Before long, the butler arrived and summoned Xia Yunsheng to Grandpa's study.