Chapter 43: Don't Take Me Seriously_1

As she finished talking, tears streamed down her face.

This feeling was truly stifling!

The person she trusted the most had become her enemy!

The old man softened at the sight, "Why the tears? It's unsightly! You're going to be a mom, how can you indulge in physical confrontations with others? Do you realize how dangerous that is?"

Although his tone was strict, his words were brimming with concern.

Standing on the side, Han Fei'er originally came to see how Xia Yunsheng would be punished. Hearing the old man's words, she paused, "What? Xia Yunsheng is pregnant?"

Upon hearing this, Ling Xiche quickly let go of Xia Yunsheng.

The old man declared, "If anything happens to my grandchild, I will never forgive you two."

He was referring to Han Fei'er and Ling Xiche.

Ling Xiche said, "I didn't know she was pregnant."