chapter 5: the weakened


So I have now been in la for almost a week and things are going well. But I have decided that I was going to go tomorrow and well I saw the time for it and it was rand hour after I got to work. And what do you know it is going to be on the sunset strip. I think the festival is this week. So that is good. But I had to get my stuff ready and I explained to Christian and he said these exact words, " okay, just good luck and don't worry you seem like you will do great." I was happy and the day went by pretty fast and soon I knew it was time for me to go home.

Once I got home I saw ghost sitting by the door, and she acted all innocent. Even though she is a little holy terror. I walked in and saw there was no mess. Okay what happened did she switch brains with the dogs or what? But I looked around a little more and still no mess. But I was proud of her. And I stayed up watching a movie but I got out my outfit for tomorrow after work.

I was going to wear my fallen wings jacket, black flats, black and red skinny jeans with my slipknot tank top. It was originally a shirt but I made it into a tank top. I set that out and I grabbed my blue guitar and put it in my guitar case. I got a black widow on it. It is not real. If it was I would burn the case. But it is a decal. I sewed it on. And it had white webbing on it. But I changed into pajamas and headed to bed.

Next day

So I got up for work and I wore, my black combat boots, my black velvet Victorian dress. And it still fit but i have had it since the eighth grade. But I was going to wear that so it would be easier for me to get changed later. But the day went by super quick. And I was really happy. Yet nervous as fuck. But after a long time Christian said, " Haley are you okay?" I smiled and said, " no I am super nervous and super happy." He looked at me like I was insane, " I am going out tonight and well I am super nervous. But hopefully it all goes well."

He nodded and left. But a half and hour later we got out of work early. And I walked out then ran to my car. This was how happy I was. But I got to the one street and it said road blocked for festival. So that was good but I found a parking spot near it and I got out and grabbed my bag, guitar and purse. I put my keys in my purse and found a bathroom. So I went into the building and not a lot of people so it wasn't crowded. But I got changed, and I tied my hair up and did my makeup. I did my make up black and red. And my lips were black but I added a little eyeliner to make it look like my lips were part of a skull. And it looked a little different but that is what I was going for.

So I put my dress in the bag, and my shoes I put in the bag to. But I grabbed my stuff and went to try and find the stage area. After about ten minutes I heard someone I think over head scream, " anyone who wants to try out come to the east area, to find the stage. You have a fifteen minutes." So I headed over there and I realized it was near my car so I put my bag and purse in the back of the trunk.

But I walked back over there after I shut and locked my car. I went back over and headed in the back and I found two people talking, " excuse me is this where I could sign up for the thing." He gave me a pen and paper, it said name and act. So I put Haley ward, and singing/ guitar, freak like me by halestorm. But I gave him back the paper, and he said, " you will be the second one okay?" I nodded and I found a shaded spot by a tree so I sat down and pulled out my guitar. And started to practice.

But after a while I heard my name being called, " okay Haley ward you are up next." I grabbed my guitar and bag, and headed over. I asked, " is it okay if I keep my guitar case over here?" He nodded yes, and the first act walked off and the guy told me, " okay Haley you are next so go up there." I walked on and I felt my stomach drop to the floor. But I just kept my calm and took a deep breath. But I started to play and I let the music flow through my head to take me away.

I finished and I was a little out of breath but I walked off and I had to catch my head. I felt dizzy a little. But I felt a little better after a moment. But I got my guitar case and I set that down near the tree, and I sat down and continued to play a part of my song but I am glad I wasn't singing. But I do right lyrics and a few songs but this one meant the most to me. I wanted to play it in memory of my mom. And well after I started they said at they needed everyone to come over and on the stage.

So I walked over and me and the rest walked on. I never felt so nervous, but what could I have to lose.