chapter 6: fate or destiny

So I didn't realize that I was in my own little world but someone well actually the two people next to me gave me a little push, " hey you won go up there." I felt my eyes widen. And I walked up a little closer. And the guy said, " Haley everyone." He grabbed my hand and put it up in the air. I was a little shocked yet excited as hell. But he then said, " okay so thank you to everyone who tried out. And thank you to the people who made this festival. Now let's rock everyone!" He screamed and I walked off.

And I can't believe it but I went over to grab my case. And I heard someone call my name I look to see ash. I was shocked but I kind of figured he might be here. But the only bad thing is that he looked kind of cute.

But he walked over and said, " hey, congrats. So how's la treating yah." I laughed, " pretty good so far. So what is happening?" He smiled then I think it was Jake that walked over. " ash come on, we have two minutes before we go on." He said, " okay, Jake, Haley, Haley jake." I waved hi. And he asked, "you're the girl that won the contest right?" I nodded yes, but I felt my face become warm, " well congrats and you were really good." I smiled and said, " thank you. But I am gonna go so it was nice to meet you Jake and ash good to see you again."

I put my guitar in the case and zipped it up. And walked over to my car. I got out my phone and I saw that there was three text messages. " Haley hi, can you call it is important." " hi Haley, it's dad, can you call me it is urgent." " Haley please call me I have to tell you something." I was wondering what happened and I texted back, " i will call later, I am out right now. But I love you." I hit send and put my phone back and I then got a twitter message and it was this username, " " so I looked to see and it said, " hi Haley, so it's Andy and I heard you won the contest. Congrats but I was wondering and so was ash and Jake they were wondering if you would like to play two songs with us?" I was so fucking shocked.

I studied the phone and I replied, " um sure just let me know. Will I need to bring my guitar with?" I waited a moment and then he replied, " yes, but you will need to be over at the stage in two minutes." I shut my phone off and grabbed my guitar out of the case and slammed the door and ran like a bunny back over to the stage.

I got back over there and I saw Jake, ash, and jinxx they saw me and Jake said, " hey Haley, so I take it Andy sent you the message." I laughed out of breath and said, " yes. I hate running." I held my head and they slightly laughed at me. But Jake said, " well Haley meet jinxx. Jinxx Haley." I smiled and said, " hello." He replied, " so you ready to do this. I hear you are pretty good." I smiled and said, " I don't know but yeah I am ready." He smiled and then cc and Andy came over and said, " hi Haley right? Andy." I said, " hi. Hi cc." He looked confused and cc said, " me and ash already met her. She is really good." I looked down and then a guy yelled.

" bvb your on now." Andy said, " okay we will call you up in a moment so I would think after the third song. Then do you know how to play in the end?" I nodded then he asked, " okay fallen angels?" I smiled and said, " yes but I know the whole set the world on fire album. I had a lot of free time back in highschool." He nodded okay, " okay well I wish you luck. And don't worry you will do great."

He walked on and I felt nervous as fuck. But I just went to a happy place and I was thinking about my mom. Which made me happy. But then Andy said, " okay so there is this girl, and she is a really cool chick and knows how to shred on guitar so please Haley come here." I walked on and the guys were smiling and Andy said, " so Haley we hear you are pretty good. What would you say if we put that to the test." I laughed and said, " I would think you are a little insane. But I think that I can handle a little. Besides what could I have to lose. I have already lost my sanity." I laughed.

And I saw a smile appear in jakes and jinxx face. I was curious but ash said, " jinxx what are you two thinking?" He asked and Jake said, " I say we should put her skills to the test." I looked down and they laughed, " so Haley what do you think?" I looked to Andy, " don't look at me it is up to you. But what do you think?" I nodded and said, " sure but I don't want to intrude. Besides I am not even that great." They laughed and Andy said, " I say let's put your skills to the test." I smiled and nodded, " so this next song is in the end." I quickly remembered the song and started to play. I didn't realize I was singing with them.

But this was a fucking dream come true. But they finished, " that was good but do you know this song?" They started to play fallen angels. I smiled and started to play. I felt super happy. But I felt strong and not broken or shattered. But I wanted my first tattoo to be a purple rose with my mom's bday and death day under it. But this was my dream tattoo. So I could get it in memory of her. But I would get it either on my shoulder or arm.

But they finished and I was the first to walk off and they caught my attention, " Haley that was amazing. You did really well." I blushed and said, " thank you but you guys were better. I m just a normal teenager looking for a way out of a nightmare." They sighed and said, " how long do you think you are staying tonight?" I looked at them like what? " what do you mean?" Andy said, " at the festival." I sighed and said, " well I don't know I still have to go home I have work tomorrow and I have to see what damage ghost did." Then cc and Jake gave me a sad look. It was funny, " I have to go see what my cat ghost did and maybe I might come back."

When I said that their face brightened up. I laughed and I told them, " thank you for today. I don't think I have been this happy. And smiley. It has been a very long time since the last time I smiled. So thank you." They crushed me with a hug. And I heard immaculate misconception, and they were like what, " excuse me for a moment I have to take this." I walked over to a quieter spot and picked it up.

Conversation Haley and dad

H: hello

D: Haley?

H: dad what's wrong?

D: Haley, it, it is

H: dad what happened?

D:grandma, she is in the hospital.

H: what the hell happened to grandma?

D: I, she, she

H: dad explain now.

D: she had a mild stroke.

I felt my heart sink. And I had to keep my sanity. But I don't think I could anymore. I have tried to stay strong for I don't know how long but I just hung up and I bent part of my phone and then I shattered the screen. I growled, " keep it under control. Don't lose your sanity." I heard someone call my name. " Haley, haley are you okay?" I look over to see jinxx and ash. I didn't want to tell them, so I lied, " yeah. I am fine just a unknown numbers trying to call me." I sighed and they laughed.

And I told them, " I am gonna head home. But once again thank you. I had a lot of fun today." I smiled and of course it was fake. But i got to my car and put my guitar in the back and got my keys out. And once i stopped back home i didn't care what ghost did but it seem like there was no damage. But i went straight to bed. I was tired and I was going to sleep since I have work tomorrow. And well I was tired and I cried myself to sleep.