chapter 7: i can't decide

Next day

So I woke up and I found ghost sleeping on my side, and I lightly pushed her off and went to get dressed, I threw on a pair of skinny jeans and a shirt. I wore a pair of flats and tied my hair up did no makeup and put my glasses on. Hey at least I can see now. But I grabbed my purse, got in my car and went to work.

This is how tired I was I put my shirt on backwards with no bra. So I felt a little weird and embarrassed. But I texted Christian and said that I will be a few minutes late into work this morning and he is the nicest boss ever. He replied, " okay just for me letting you can you bring a few cookies back," I laughed and I did. But I didn't eat anything. I got to the store, pink. And I got my size and I got changed and switched around my shirt. But I saw a bakery next door so I went in and got a few cookies then made my way back to work.

So when I walked in I saw that Christian, Cindy, and Justin were talking, and I said, " hello. Here are the goodies." The two growled and almost fought to the bag. Me and Cindy laughed, and she brought me over to the side and said, " listen Haley I am sorry about the other day my twin tries to make me seem like a band person. So on her behalf I am so sorry, also my sister's name is Alexa. So keep a look out for her. She has blue eyes and I have brown. But that is how people tell us apart." I smiled.

I told her then, " okay, well thank you and you are forgiven. But I still do not want a relationship right now. So I think I will be in the clear." She smiled and then asked, " so how was yesterday. Did you win?" I laughed and Justin. And Christian mumbled, " did you?" I laughed because they both had a cookie In there mouth. Me and Cindy laughed, and I went over, " yes and the best part was I got to meet the rest of black veil." They looked at me shocked, and Justin's cookie fell out of his mouth. I heard Cindy saw, " ahah, gross Justin."

I laughed and then Cindy asked " so when did you meet them?" I said, " I was out the one night playing and I saw cc and ash walk up to me. And we talked for a moment and well I told them I was going to be leaving soon and then they left." They seemed very intrigued. Then Justin said, " anything else happen?" I looked down, " what else?" Cindy asked in a little song. I looked back up and slightly mumbled, " I might have also played guitar with black veil brides."

They looked at me like what, then Justin said, " you lucky girl." They Laughed and we talked for a moment then we had to open up the shop and I think it was three or so, Cindy asked me, " is your phone ringing I think it is vibrating?" I then told Christian that I am going to go on break and I didn't take one today so he said okay.

So I went back and I looked through my purse and I unlocked it to see four missed calls three from dad and one from my friend. So I listened to my voice mail:

Dad: hey Haley I need to talk to you. When you get the chance please call me back.


Dad: Haley, can you call, it's grandma.and I will explain just please call.

Dad: hey Haley it is me. Listen I have to tell you something and it is really important.

Friend(Ashley): hey Haley it's ash just checking up on you. But if you could give me a text your dad needs to tell you something. But I will let him I am so sorry Haley.

I was a little worried what happened to grandma. I only had I think about ten minutes left. So I called my dad really quick.



D: hey Haley,

H: dad what happened are you okay?

D: .....

H: dad you are okay right?

D: no, Haley, grandma was in the hospital.

H: okay?

D: and you know how she was getting a little older in age right

H: dad stop beating around the bush what happened to grandma?!

D: ... Haley....grandma passed away.

When that sentence was said I felt my world fall once again. I felt a few tears fall but I couldn't handle it. I told dad

H: When?

D: in her sleep last night.

That is what happened to my mother. She passed away in her sleep. I have lost so many family members I can't even remember how many. But I told dad

H: okay, thank you for telling me.

D: Haley you know I couldn't keep something like that from you.

H: I know but my break is almost over so I love you.

D: I love you to and text me if you need anything.

H: I don't think a hug would work through the phone

D: I don't think either but how about an air hug.

H: okay that will be better

D: did you get it

H: yes I did thanks dad. I love you

D: I love you to and stay strong

I hung up and mumbled, " I don't know if I can anymore." Then I walked back out and put on a straight face. Then the rest of the day went by and it was super slow. After work was over I went home and I didn't feel like eating so I just fed ghost and she ran over to her bowl. I sat on my bed just closed my eyes and tried to remember the past.