chapter 12:make a move

Next day

So I called Christian and explained to him and he said, " okay but would this mean you are quitting or taking time off?" I was curious but maybe this would be my shot at making it big. But I told him, " I do not know so I guess I would be taking time off. But I will do this as I forgot what it is?"


C: well I think you mean vacation time?

H: yes.

C: okay well you owe me one, but I will let you do that.

H: okay. Thank you so much Christian.

C: you are welcome but the next time you come into work could you bring cookies again?

H:( laughing) yes. Once again thank you.

C: your welcome just don't forget the cookies.

H: yes I will not forget.

I hung up and got changed into my asking Alexandria shirt. My motionless in white jacket and a red pair of skinny jeans. I wore flip flops and well I wasn't sure but I wanted to take ghost out and I know she only seen what was inside the house so I grabbed my guitar and the cat crate. And I put ghost into her crate. And she meowed at me. But I told her, " don't worry you are going out with me."

But I wanted to take her to the pet store so I can get her a harness and a leash. Because I want her to get out and I know back home she liked going out on the porch. But I found the nearest pet store and I wanted to get her a new collar too. And a new tag. But we got there and I got a cart and she is very good she won't climb out she just might put her paws on the edge.

But I found the cat aisle and there was kittens in one section and adult in the other. So I found a pink harness and it seemed like it would fit over her fur. But I also got a neon pink leash. She started to purr. And she purrs so fucking loud. But I got her more cat food and litter. I put the cat food and litter in the bottom. But I went to pay and ghost was a curious little one. She didn't jump out but she acts like a dog.

It is funny. But she perked over the cart and I heard the man aww. He asked, " what's its name?" I smiled and said, " her name is ghost. And yes she is I think part dog. But she is very good and you can pet her she won't bite." She let him pet her and she was purring I told him, " just a warning she will purr very loud." He laughed and she did start purring very loud. He laughed and I finished paying. And I brought her out to the car, and it wasn't hot out but it was a little warm. But once I got her in the car and the other things.

I got her back in the crate and I drove to the nearest park. Because one why not, and two I want to check out the one place I called to last night. But it didn't seem like it was far. But I got there and there were people scattered around and well I opened the back hatch and got out my guitar and just started to play. I let ghost out of her cage but she didn't go far anyways. But I started to write a new song and I wanted to do this a little different but I want this song to tell people what happened in my past and why I am like this now.

I won't fade

I won't cheat and lie

But every time you speak it kills me inside

Well that's what you think

I scream through every day and night.

Begging not to say goodbye

I plead and I cry

Telling you one last time

You curse me,

Trying to change me

But I will only make this one last request as easy as your shattered mind

I won't break

I will never change

I won't break

Put the pieces together

You are easy to define

But every time you scream

I will never cry

Just fake the love you say

I am sick of your games, I gave you one last chance to repay.

The scars you made will be the only memory I will leave.

I scream, I will be the only soul to save your cold heart

Just know I won't break

My memory will fade, trapped in a world with death written on the grave.

Buying yourself six feet deeper.

I won't break

I keep telling you over and over again

But ghost snuggled up to me and I felt good. But I heard people clapping, and I look to see this crowd. And they were smiling and well I said, " hi. I'm Haley." And this one girl came up to me and said, " that is really good. Have you ever thought of playing on a solo career. Or putting your music out to the world?" I nodded yes. " yes this is the main reason why I moved out to california. And not just because the weather is really nice." She laughed and said, " well there is this small venue on the outskirts of town. Here's my number and you can play next Thursday."

So she gave me a small card and I read it. And it was here number and the place.but I smirked a little and started to play a different song. But people left and a few stayed. Ghost was passed out and in the most weirdest position. She looked like she broke a limb doing a yoga pose. But I just played a little guitar.