ch.15: its my party and i will die when i want to

But I finished and I wanted to post a video to insta so I got my phone out and took a video of my front room, and I said, " so I just finished decorating and I think it looks pretty spooky, plus I have a tiny monster to go along with it." then ghost came out in her little sweater and she meowed and it was so cute. " this is my tiny monster. And i love her to death. But happy early halloween everyone." but i hit post and it took a minute then it did post. But i started to make my way to my closet to find my kruger costume. And i found it and i put that on and my bloody tights still fit.

So i cursed, " shit. Okay i think this is going to my head again. Hah" but i got changed and i did my hair kinda messy and i did the same makeup i did back in high school. Bloody cheshire lips and bloody eyes. But i made it look like i was crying tears of blood. So i do have a sick fucked up and twisted mind. But I finished that and grabbed my purse and keys. And headed out.

But once I got to my car I heard my phone go off. And I look to see another twitter notification it was a tweet from motionless so I wanted to look at it later. But I shut that off and headed to where Juliet said, it was. So it took me about twenty minutes but once I got there I heard loud music and saw strobe lights coming from the windows.

So I parked and put my keys into my purse and walked inside. When I walked in I saw so many people some were wearing costumes and some weren't. But I felt so shy I didn't know what to do so I knew what was going to happen I was going to be a wallflower. So that is what I did then I think it was Juliet but this girl came over to me and said, " hi Haley. I love your costume." I was going to be polite. " hi, and thank you." Then this guy came over and I think it was Andy. " hey Haley nice costume."

I said, " thank you." Then this awkward silence, so I said, " I am going to go get some air I will be right back." They nodded and I went outside. I had a lot of things running through my head some for my further and some, past memories. I wanted to come here for a new start. A new me, and I didn't have to worry about anything. But I still had pieces missing.

So I got out my phone and earbuds from my purse and I sat down on the edge and unlocked my phone and I have this playlist on google play and I hit the play button and just let the music flow through my head.

I have a shattered heart, mind and past. I pick the pieces that remain to be stained. I just want to be free, with no problems, no worries, no pain. The past will remain the same if the present will change. I never saw the truth until you open your eyes.

I was ripped from my thoughts when i heard this sweet voice. I pulled out one of my ear buds and looked over to see a very tall guy and I didn't know him,but I said, " hello?" I got up and he said, " hi, you're Haley right?" I nodded yes. " I'm Sam." Why did his name sound so familiar. But I said, " well it is nice to meet you Sam." There was this awkward silence. " this is slightly awkward." Then we both slightly laugh. " I think they might be having a karaoke contest inside wanna go?"

I laughed and said, " I don't know. Knowing me I will make a fool of myself." He then gasped in shock. " I don't think you would. You seem like you have a lot of confidence. You should try it." I thought about it for a moment and said, " okay. But I have a bad feeling about this." He laughed and went inside I put my phone back into my purse and headed back in. And people were kind of in a half shape circle around the tv. So I just stood in the back.

And I then heard someone say, " okay who wants to go first?" Then Sam rose my hand which made me cover my face since it was cherry red. Then once again, " okay come up here." I walked up and there was an iPad and I typed in my favorite song. It was old but good. And i grew up with it. But I typed in kick start my heart by Motley Crue. And when it started to play I felt a true smile appear to my face.

I finished and I was just smiling and it was ear to ear. But I heard people clapping and I had a weird feeling Andy was cheering. But I understand. But I walked to the side and I saw Andy Juliet, Sam and Danny. I said, " hi." I don't know why I felt shy. Oh yeah I know I am standing next to my idols. So I heard Andy say, " that was awesome." I blushed and Juliet said, " that it was and girl you have a powerful voice." Okay that made me blush like hell. But I heard Sam say, " told you so." I rolled my eyes and smiled a little. And then Danny said, " not bad Haley. Hey Andy can I talk to you for a moment?" He looked over to him and he nodded.

So that left me, Juliet, and Sam. " Haley have you ever thought of making a career out of this?" I kind of knew what she meant and I said, " well I have always loved singing and I love to play guitar. I just want to take it step by step for now. And see where that takes me." She nodded. " okay well I wish you the best of luck." I replied, " thank you." Then Danny and Andy came back. And Andy moved his head over to Juliet and I think he spoke to her but I wasn't going to be nosy. But after he moved his head back she had a smile appear to her face.

Then I remembered that if this is the month of October, cedar point's halloweekends. So I asked, " do you guys know what cedar point is?" They looked at me like what? " okay top thrill dragster?" They shook their heads no. I gasped in shock. " okay do you like rollercoasters?" They shook their heads yes. I had a grin appear to my face, " do you like haunted houses?" They shook their heads yes. Well I then asked, " okay well would you like to go to the roller coaster capital of the world?" They shook their heads yes.

So I said, " okay well what day do you want to go? Because I don't know if there is anything going on. I just don't want to fuck things up." Andy said, " well I don't know I don't think me and Juliet have any plans unless that has changed." She shook her head no, " no. I don't think." Then Danny said, " no I don't think me or the guys do either. But I will ask." I said, " okay then this weekend okay?" They nodded sure. So then Danny asked, " Haley so I don't know if you know this but my band and andys band are going on tour in December. And it would be asking black veil, Juliet Simms, and a opening."

I was confused to be honest. So I asked, " I am sorry I do not know what you are talking about?" Then Andy said, " well we found this out three weeks ago. And well Danny asked me and we all talked it over. And well we need a opening act?" Okay I understand that they need a opening act so why are they explaining this to me? Then Juliet said, " Haley I think they are asking you if you want to be the opening act?" I saw my vision go fuzzy then the world went black.