ch.16: scares to be true

So I felt someone trying to wake me up and I felt my head was hurting, and my vision came back. And I saw I was on the ground, great, but I saw Juliet, Andy, Sam, and Danny. I asked, " what the fuck happened?" Then Andy said, " well when Juliet told you that we were trying to ask if you wanted to be the opening act. You sorta passed out." Great now I look like a fucking idiot. But I said, " so I wasn't living in a dream?"

They shook their heads no. " no but would you like to?" This was coming all too fast and I had to think about it. So I told them, " can I give you an answer Friday?" The Andy and Danny nodded yes. And I got up and brushed off my dress. And we talked for the rest of the night and after a while I headed back home.


So it woke up to my alarm and today we had to catch a plane to Ohio. And I was super duper happy. But I still do have my job and I have to work if someone calls in sick. And there are a lot more people there now so that helps a lot. But my paycheck is half but it makes me money. And I have to start getting ready. But I knew we had about three hours until we get there so I was going to wear my black skinny jeans, fallen wings jacket, and a red tank top. But I tied up my hair and wore my glasses, and grabbed my vans. I got a new pair of shoes since ghost shredded them.

But I wore those and we were going to stay for three days. And I thought that would be enough time. But I said well we could either rent a cabin which is bigger, or get a few hotel rooms. They agreed for a cabin. And that would be on the beach side. But I booked this already, and it wasn't much only five hundred for three days. But I texted Juliet and asked her if her and Andy were ready? She said yes. And they were headed to the airport now.

So it was going to be me, Juliet, Andy, danny, inna, cc, Jake, Lauren, Sam and Ben. So the gen of us were going and I got a season pass for all of us. And well we were going to have two cabins, in cabin one, it was going to be: me, Juliet, Andy, Lauren, and cc. And cabin two would be, Danny, Ben, Jake, inna, and Sam. So the season pass I got a discount on, and they were fifty bucks. Now that is fucking cheap for those. But I still had a plane ticket and I was going to use that and well I think you get the point. But I told them that it is going to be a little cold so to wear something for fall.

But I got done, and I called a taxi to take me to the airport. And I put my bag in the back with me. And I have learned to pack light. So I only brought three pairs of skinny jeans, two shirts, and one pair of shoes which I am wearing now. So I only had to Bring a draw string bag.

But once we got to the airport I saw they were sitting, and I walked over and said, " okay so really quick are we forgetting anything or anyone?" They shook their heads no and they called our flight. So I am just going to skip this part for now.

Sandusky Ohio airport

So we got to the other airport and it took us about ten minutes to find our luggage. But then I called a taxi, so then we headed over to cedar point and I still will act like a little kid when I see it. But I sat in the front seat and this was kind of a truck, so a few sat in the second seat and the rest in the back. But once we got there and we started to drive into the place, omg. It was awesome.

Cedar point

But I saw millennium and I just squealed a little. And they laughed, but I said, " okay so everyone welcome to cedar point. And over there you will see the millennium, and over to the right you will see wicked twister."

They looked over and I heard gasps and wows. But we got to the front gates and they let him through and he dropped us off at were the holiday breakers hotel was and they decorated again. And I saw a bus so we flooded onto there with our stuff and I called the checking and they said that both keys are under the mat.

So the bus took us over there and it was beautiful. But I told the driver thanks and we flooded out and omg this brought back memories. And it was awesome. But we got there so it was getting a little late. And we flooded into the first cabin. And I set my stuff down and a few went to the back room, and the others went to the loft. And I slightly screamed, " okay so I know it is getting a little late, and we could have two options, stay here for the night or go to the park."

I heard them say, " go to the park." I laughed and I got changed into my black tank top, and my glasses I took off. I still wasn't going to wear make up. But a few flooded into the front area, and I got a text saying that the others were ready. So we walked to the front and I saw the others walk out. And they had another bus come frequent so we once again flooded onto there. And it took us to the front gates.

I just squealed and they laughed at me. I told them, " I used to come here every year when I was a kid. So I am just happy. Also once we walk in do you want to look or what ride?" They all had a huge grin on their face, " what ride do you recommend?" I just started to laugh, and I said, " you shouldn't of said that. So to the top thrill." I slightly ran like a kid and they followed. So I was surprised and it wasn't a long wait, but there was a car that was about to launch and I wanted them to see.

" okay well you can back out now if you want to." After a moment it launched, and all I heard was I don't know who it was but I heard them say, " oh shit." I laughed and said, " last chance to back out." They walked into the line and I was surprised I didn't think they would do it but I said, " okay really quick I know I talking a lot but I suggest don't sit in the very last seat. It is super bumpy. Last time I did that had a headache the rest of the night." They nodded and after what felt like forever we finally got there and i sat with Sam. Then it was Andy and Juliet, cc and Lauren, Jake and inna, then ben and Danny. So we sat down and they had to check the bars.

Since it is mandatory. But once that was done it rolled out of the station. And I had a big dumb grin on my face. And I was super happy. Just I said nothing. And it was fucking hilarious. We started to roll back slightly and I knew it was about to launch. And I heard a slight squeal. I laughed and well it launched and all you heard was them screaming and here's me laughing my head off. We got to the top and it rolled back down I had my hands in the air. And I forgot that it took a picture. But I was fine and I looked over to Sam and I saw his face holy shit.