ch.17: memories of coasters

We got off and I was laughing my head off. And I saw them walk off and some of the guys hair were a mess. Slightly sticking in the back. And there eyes watering. And I heard gen say. " why didn't you warn us that it was like that?" I laughed and said, " well you let me choose and I let you watch the launch. But what did you guys think?" I saw a few smiles appear and they said, " okay what is next?" I just laughed and said, " okay so how about the Gemini. If it is still standing?" They sighed and we walked over there. And I saw it wasn't running so I said, " okay next choice."

So then I think it was Andy that said, " okay is there another part or scare?" I smiled and started to walk to tombstone territory. We got there and I said, " welcome to tombstone territory. And home of the wild one, maverick. And the first record breaking steel wooden coaster. So what ride?" They looked at me like I was insane. " I may be sane but that doesn't mean I am not insane." They rolled their eyes and inna asked, " which ride is smoother?" I replied, " maverick."

Then I said, " okay well then follow me to a adventure." They followed and I saw that there wasn't a long wait once again. Okay so I said, " okay this is pretty sketchy right now. There is always about a three hour wait for this ride something's not right?" But we waited in line and it went by pretty quick. But I asked, " okay where do you want to go?" I think sitting in the middle would be best, but it was up to them. Then a few said, " middle." And they agreed, so we got to I think rows five through eight. And this was just a double seat and it didn't take long.

But It was the same seating for this ride. But we got in and I heard Sam say, " hey Haley is this ride alright?" I was a little confused so I asked, " what do you mean?" He said, " speed wise.." I had to think but I said, " well I don't think it is like the dragster. But it is kind of quick. But you will have fun. I promise." He smiled and I was holding onto the restraint and we started to roll out and to the chain.

But I knew there was a tiny launch and well I thought this was great and I heard people screaming in a good way. And this was really fun. But we got to the launch and I forgot it was colored. So I saw it lite up and I said, " I think this is really triply right now. But wearing there will be a small launch." I heard them scream at me, " what?!" I laughed and it did.

But that was good. We got off that coaster. And when we were asking out of the exit I saw fog roll in and I heard knees scraping. So I knew we were coming towards scream works. I still remember when I went with my dad back in fifteen, I got this white fuzzy hat and we went over to scream works this guy saw my hat and just kept petting it. I couldn't help but laugh.

But I then heard Juliet ask, " Haley what are we walking into?" I said, " welcome to scream works. The steampunk era have taken over Halloween." We walked in a group and I heard people scream I don't know why but just hearing that makes me laugh. But we walked through and I looked over the bridge and saw a skeleton of the old ride shoot the rapids. I heard Jake ask, " what was that?" I sighed, " shoot the rapids. They shut it down after what happened back in July of 2013."

They then started to walk away. And we walked over to I think the under bridge of millennium. And that was were another haunt was. And it was really fogged and had blue strobe lights but I walked through with them and I felt someone tap my shoulder I looked to see this monster.

I widened my eyes and said, " hello?" They stopped and I just slightly backed away and continued to walk away, I then cursed under my breath, " crap. That scared me." Then we made it to where the rougarou was and millennium, I sighed and Danny asked, " what's up?" I looked over and said, " nothing I just am remembering memories of my past and this past." Then they stopped and Danny continued, " well what ride do you want to go on. Because I think I hear ruguru calling my name." I laughed and they agreed so we went over to get in line and I said, " do you know that this is the original track for mantis." They looked at me like what was I talking about.

So I then said, " so it will make a lot more sense once we get over to the graveyard."there eyes widened and ignored it. But we rode that and then millenium. But we then made our way over to where the rest of the park was. And we started to walk near where the old ride tombstones were, and I saw it there the last ride, mantis.

I sighed and slightly smiled, " so this is what I was talking about, the old rides that were ever here at cedar point. Disaster transport, demon drop, wild cat, mantis." And I knew exactly where they were or used to be. Disaster transport was replaced by gatekeeper. And demon drop wasn't very popular, so that stayed for about two years.

But we started to walk over to the one ride, that was a dive coaster. And I have never been on this so I am a little terrified. But I saw that blue streak was still up. But it wasn't running. But we walked over to valveraven. I will admit I am scared. But hey started to walk over and I felt my heart drop.

I stopped and they walked ahead. And I stopped dead in my tracks. And I just looked up to the first drop. I didn't want to go on this. I was too scared. And in a asked, " Haley are you okay?" I told her, " I am going to stay behind on this one. To take a little break. So you guys go on ahead." I heard my voice and it was shaky. And Andy and Ben walked over to me and Andy asked, " are you okay. You scared?" I fought back and said. " no I am not." Then ben said, " well then let's go. Besides it seems like fun."

I felt my sassy side come to the side on my head and I wanted to snap but I said, " I am okay but I am going to meet you guys there so. Go ahead. And I will catch up." They said okay and walked to the line. And I wasn't going to go on then I remembered what my dad said, and well I walked over to a haunted house and I saw one the one haunted house name that I never thought I would see again,Club blood.